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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Those are my two options? "Everything's OK" or "Death Penalty"?
  2. What if I backhanded your son so hard I left a big welt, knocked him down, and he went crying home? Nothing sexual, I just hit him really hard. Still recommend I die?
  3. Not sure how I'd react, but if the guy took a plea for a battery charge, I'd feel content that the punishment fit the crime. I guess it depends on how harmed my kid was, but I can't imagine they'd be suffering from PTSD or anything.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_care_sex_abuse_hysteria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trial
  5. 2 kids, one on the way. I just know that knee-jerk vengeance is bad and has no place in sentencing.
  6. Eyewitness testimony is nearly worthless anyway, moreso if it's coming from children. Don't you remember the pagan sexual abuse trials from the 80s? Who cares if it was over the clothes? Someone advocated the death penalty SHOULD care. These details matter. You don't put your hands on children like that, true, but if you do, we don't kill you. Or give you permanent brain damage.
  7. For touching your son over his clothes you'd advocate death? Do I understand that right?
  8. "He was jailed after a 6-year-old girl told her mother a stranger touched her over her clothes on her private parts at El Salvador Park in Santa Ana." OMG, based on the testimony of a 6 year old, he may or may not have touched her over her clothes. But keep making up stories about rape guys. He deserves to have been beaten into a retard.
  9. http://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/cacdce/8:2007cv00601/389273/ http://www.latimes.com/news/la-me-jails15nov15,0,1993421.story These just confirm the link I posted earlier from the latimes. Is that not legit enough for you? eta: http://www.ocregister.com/news/county-192997-ramirez-eisenberg.html
  10. I don't get why you think this is fake. The blogger or whatever wrote two articles about the same guy. Read the shit you posted again. He's just got some boner for illegal immigrants. And yes, all mexicans are child molesters. They raped my 6 year old and did stuff with her asshole. Fuck 'em all. Die die die die die die die 3 tasty meals a day.
  11. Oh, when you put it that way, I'm so angry!!! Grrr!!! Die die die! Death to mexicans! Kill 'em all and let god sort it out!!! Murder rage murder!!!YARAGADFSDF Thanks for helping me to shed my modern sense of compassion and find my inner rage. Jesus would be proud. Err, oh wait.
  12. I mean... for all you know, he was just some mexican guy who happened to be standing in the wrong place when the cops were looking for some other mexican guy. His public defender could have told him that he was unsympathetic due to his age, gender, appearance, and legal status, and the DA might have offered a battery charge because he realized he didn't have much of a case beyond the eyewitness testimony of a 6 year old. So he took the deal. Or maybe he's a serial rapist and the cops were lucky to catch him before he could do more damage. I don't know. I just know that being happy about anyone getting beaten nearly to death seems pretty messed up to me. He was punished, the beating should never have happened, and now the prison is getting a reasonable slap on the wrist for their negligence.
  13. Really? Wow. So one single accusation for molestation leading to a plea for battery and you all vote for the death penalty? Wow. For a battery charge. Just, wow.
  14. I also missed the part where he confessed. I'm guessing it'd be hard for an illegal immigrant to get anything close to a fair shake in california. You guys seem awfully eager to wish permanent brain damage on a guy you know nothing about.
  15. Who said anything about rape? Did he rape someone? I didn't catch that part. He molested a kid in a park, he was arrested, tried, and convicted according to the laws in california. Nowhere in his punishment was he prescribed permanent brain damage. Most of them do sue, and if the prison was shown to be negligent, they'll usually win. His nationality is irrelevant. His legal status almost just as irrelevant. If you get thrown into a jail in singapore for gum-chewing and beaten to within an inch of your life because the guards throw you in with the rancor or something, would you feel OK if people started bringing up what you were doing in that country and whether your paperwork was in order? Seems silly to me.
  16. So you'd rather live in a country where human beings are beaten to the point of brain damage without consequence? eta: the case appears real: http://articles.latimes.com/2006/nov/15/local/me-jails15 no confirmation of the dollar amount, but it wouldn't surprise me. guy spent 5 months in the hospital.
  17. http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4396.sized.jpg roof rack http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4537.sized.jpg fender http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4520.sized.jpg yacht http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4581.sized.jpg photographer's car. he's a beiber fan http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4582.sized.jpg custom exhaust on that sc300 http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4673.sized.jpg honda challenge cars http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4590.sized.jpg lotus http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4448.sized.jpg red http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4120.sized.jpg slam'd http://www.1320video.com/img/album265/MG_4729.sized.jpg e30
  18. Second set from a different friend: http://www.1320video.com/img/album263/MG_3909.sized.jpg 2JZ swapped lexus. http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4019.sized.jpg The rustlude. http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4038.sized.jpg me http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4160.sized.jpg garbage can http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4184.sized.jpg tech shed http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4207.sized.jpg p1 splitter/skirts http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4203.sized.jpg me again http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4272.sized.jpg turn 2 http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4281.sized.jpg teal! http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4308.sized.jpg zomgz34 http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4332.sized.jpg lotta k-swaps there http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4374.sized.jpg this thing was ridiculous, but the guy was running in novice http://www.1320video.com/img/album264/MG_4379.sized.jpg targa
  19. Some on-track shots (parade lap, going slow) from in my car: http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6668.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6713.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6778.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6745.sized.jpg Side effect of this hobby -- sharing the track with ridiculous cars: http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6235.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6285.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6290.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6289.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6292.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6295.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6308.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6324.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6627.sized.jpg http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6401.sized.jpg porsche garage
  20. First set is from one of my friends (I didn't bring a camera): http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6129.sized.jpg my buddy the instructor http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6171.sized.jpg green http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6196.sized.jpg legit 4 door R http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6277.sized.jpg ridiculous http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6350.sized.jpg parade lap 1 http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6363.sized.jpg parade lap 2 http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6356.sized.jpg blood http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6371.sized.jpg turbo f23 EF was back again http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6376.sized.jpg non-hondas http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6395.sized.jpg lunch http://www.1320video.com/img/album262/IMG_6367.sized.jpg the photographer's coupe
  21. The facilities are terrible but that's part of the fun. It's $130, you get 2-3 hours of track time depending on turnout, and because it's so cheap/shitty there's no pressure to do anything other than have a good time. I've only been to 2 fundays and I don't even notice the track condition anymore, but it was jarring at first. You just get used to it. Was your fiance up there last week by any chance? There were a couple of Mazda 3s out there.
  22. Yeah, this. Even some nastier rains will have cars kicking muddy water up at you. Rain-X will help, but I can never stay on top of it. In my 'teg, I've actually pulled over, gotten out with windex and a paper towel and cleaned the windshield on the side of the highway (yes, I keep these things in my big rubbermaid "track supplies" container that I drive around with pretty much all the time). A beater will alleviate most of the issue, though.
  23. DD or track car? DD I wouldn't do it. I pulled the wiper fluid out of my track car a few years back and haven't missed it.
  24. Oh my fucking god. It's 3/5ths. It was the 3/5ths compromise. Black people count as 3/5ths of a person. You all learned this shit in school. You know, my initial reaction was, "Clearly this publisher just makes money by printing shit that's in the public domain, and a lot of stuff in the public domain really does have outdated morals, so the disclaimer kinda makes sense. Also, they're too lazy to look at what they're publishing before adding that disclaimer, because, hey, it's the constitution, right?" But then Renob reminded us that the constitution does apply, what with its outdated morals, so... yeah, not a bad move. Although I'm still not sure why the blogger thinks that Obama is now somehow involved in book publishing.
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