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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. greg1647545532


    This. This this this. And this. And this because... well, I don't know why you have guns, but assuming that self-protection is one reason, then you of all people should be fully aware of what YOU would do if somebody walked up to you in the middle of an argument with a rifle and you were armed. And then the irony is that the snow plow driver would be held up as a hero and a prime example of how his concealed weapon saved his life.
  2. Looking for a custom 4-point roll bar for my 'teg. I tried this once before and got burned by a shop in VA that promised to build me a NASA legal roll bar and ended up giving me some piece of shit that aimed to be NHRA legal but probably would have failed at that. Then they went out of business the next week. So, trying not to get burned again. Would like a shop that has experience building cages for road race applications. Thanks.
  3. Just put your E/T and MPH in your sig. Then everyone will see it and can track your progress. If how much fun you're having with a car is dependent on being on a top 10 list, then you're doing it wrong.
  4. I've been there, a friend of mine met me there and we camped out for the weekend at a local campground. Well, we camped one night and pussed out the next and got a hotel because it was fucking freezing. It's always fun popping into small towns and having beers with the locals. The roads in PA are awesome and it's a great place for a road trip, but the actual coal fire is pretty dull. It's crazy how there's streets but no houses, and every once in a while a house but no neighborhood, but the novelty wears off pretty quick. There's lots of places where steam is coming out of the ground, and a couple of places where there's actual smoke and sulfur coming up. We hiked around as much as we could trying to find something epic and never found it. I think it makes a better story than an actual experience. Still fun for a lark if you're looking for something to do. I took pictures, but I don't think they were interesting enough for me to have put online anywhere.
  5. Assault rifles don't shoot at people, PEOPLE shoot AT people WITH assault rifles! Come on gun nuts, step up your game, I shouldn't be catching this shit for you.
  6. I think the OP's point is that nothing's happened yet. Obama has postponed pushing for all of the tax hikes he talked about during the campaign until the economy recovers. So this whole EVERYBODY PANIC thing seems a bit... odd. I'm inclined to agree. At the moment everything is just idle speculation. ETA: Editorial on the stimulus package and taxes - http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2010/01/25/too-dumb-to-thrive/
  7. First of all, if you have insurance, you're not paying for your own health care. You're paying into a risk pool, and if you happen to hit the jackpot of shit, the risk pool steps in and pays for your health care. The first problem is that the risk pools are somewhat broken. I'm a fan of the free market as much as the next guy, but it's failed at this point. And it's failed, sad to say, because health care is really fucking expensive. But expensive is the problem, the symptom is that the risk pools are free to bar people with pre-existing conditions. Which is smart business, because there's a 100% chance that the person is just going to suck money out of the pool. Risk pools can also put caps on how much money people can suck out of them, meaning you pay into a system in case you need it, and then when you need it you end up having to declare bankruptcy anyway. Now, there are people who throw their hands up at this point and say, "Life's not fair, sucks to be them, we can't cure all the world's problems." Which I suppose is one way to look at it. But the rest of the world has at least tried to solve these problems and they don't seem to be on fire at the moment, so maybe it's worth a shot. If you admit that there are problems, then the first obvious solution is to pass legislation that requires insurance companies to accept people regardless of pre-existing conditions, and prevent them from kicking out people who pass a certain dollar amount of care. Except that doesn't solve anything, because then nobody will get insurance until they're actually sick, and then insurance companies will have to take them. Nobody pays in, everybody pays out. Solving that problem is simple -- require everyone to have insurance. If you force people to pay into the risk pool, then you're free to make insurance companies bend to you will. But there's a new problem. Some people just genuinely can't afford insurance. So now you have to provide either a public option, or subsidize private insurance for people below a certain income level. That, in a nutshell, is the thought process that has led to the current bills being debated in congress. The logic is nothing new, it's been debated for decades. The upside is that certain people who got fucked under the old system (and had to declare bankruptcy and/or die) won't get fucked, or as fucked, under the new system. The downside is that people with money will probably have to pay more, and there's a solid chance that certain types of care will get worse. I'm not even going to argue against those last two points. I argued against UHC for years, and even now that I tentatively support it, I can't deny that it will both cost me more money and runs a good chance of making my overall care worse. But the upside is that I won't feel like an asshole whenever I read stories of people whose lives were ruined because of an unexpected illness. Or people who made one bad decision and lost their insurance right before getting diagnosed with a long-term expensive illness. Or any number of people who aren't as fortunate as me. As with any large government initiative, forcing people to spend money so that I don't feel like an asshole comes with a different feeling of assholeness, but I'd rather be an asshole to middle-class and rich people than poor bastards who are down on their luck and swamped with medical bills.
  8. Wait, how do we know the bill(s) are full of earmarks? I thought the debates were sealed. And the bills are being written in secret. But we know they're full of bad stuff? WTF? MAGIC!!!!
  9. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/262524/january-21-2010/the-word---two-faced (posting because I made a comment along these lines a couple weeks back)
  10. So, it appears that a certain % of the population is perfectly content to live with their heads in the sand and never open a history book, and then when something that's been 40 to 50 years in the making (culminating in several MONTHS of debate in congress) finally starts to get close to fruition, they pull their heads out of the ground and start screaming, "Whoa, why is this happening all of the sudden!?!?!?"
  11. I'm rather a big fan of the new decade that started 10 seconds ago. Happy January 6th, 2010 17:57 decade!
  12. I used to do the whole racecar + $500 beater thing, and it just meant that I was either driving around in a stiff, rattly death trap, or an old, smelly POS that broke all the time. Got sick of that. Moved up to racecar + late model beater (currently an '05 corolla.) It's better, in that if I don't feel like rattling my teeth out I can hop into a comfortable car that I know will start all the time. But it sucks in that it's a fucking corolla. Once I get a bit more money saved up I'm going to try to convince my wife to upgrade the beater to something like a 3-series wagon. I'll still treat it like a beater, but I've decided that there's no sense in not enjoying the car that you spend 90% of your time in. It just sucks that it's the most expensive option. Doesn't really answer your question, but I suppose it depends on what you're looking to play with. Ultimately, you're limited in what you can do to something that you drive every day, which is why 1 car won't ever work for me.
  13. I don't think Obama has a health care plan anymore. It's been so tortured in both houses of congress that it any plan currently under debate can no longer reasonably be attached to Obama. Plus, even major parts keep changing. Last I heard, the public option was out. But who knows. Bottom line is that any discussion about specifics of any health care plans are still speculation at this point.
  14. I'm confused. Is Obama a do-nothing? Or is he pushing us unto a socialist hell? Isn't his agenda to push us into a socialist hell? But he's not accomplishing his agenda? Obama... socialist... agenda... fear.... <head asplodes>
  15. Street racers are the new drunk drivers, and you can see how well that battle has gone. Sorry for bringing some reality to the table.
  16. There's only one thing up there that anyone will give a shit about, and that's overly broad definitions. And even then, good luck. You need to convince people that they could get fucked by this new law, and people who fart around in Camrys are not going to get fucked by this new law under any circumstances, so it's nearly hopeless.
  17. Gucci Mane can be enjoyable if you don't take it too seriously. I mean, come on, his subject matter is hilarious.
  18. This. My interest rate is low enough that it wouldn't make sense to pay it off. But in any case, I love my house, so I'd stay in it and buy a summer/winter home somewhere. Maybe France.
  19. Congrats, that's gotta feel great. Sounds like you did everything right, too (and doing it right isn't easy).
  20. Eventually gas is gonna be $37 a gallon and you're going to be begging for a PNUT. Me? That thing looks fucking retarded, I'd rather walk.
  21. http://my.is/forums/f114/any-ls1-is300s-out-there-374118/ ^^ picture source, no build thread.
  22. I asked a guy I know who's into IS300s, he sent me those. I asked where he got them, still waiting to hear back. He said it's a Euro spec IS, FWIW. I'll let you know when I hear something.
  23. http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/v8m3/lexus018.jpg http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/v8m3/lexus020.jpg I can't view photobucket at work, what did I just post pictures of?
  24. 1uz swap (in a wagon no less...) http://home.roadrunner.com/~bedellracing/v8swap/ Still looking for an LS1. I swear I've seen it, but can't find it. edit: nevermind, I see you found that thread
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