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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Fuck cloud storage. Never trusted it, never will.
  2. I wouldn't pull a gun on someone unless I was 100% sure I could shoot to kill.
  3. I don't consider your car riced out at all, it's a gawdam classic as far as Im concerned. Love those "unmolested" FD's :thumbup:
  4. It was Alabama, one of my favorite episodes
  5. I agree. Still looks longer then an SC300 though.
  6. acklac7


  7. Great Great Great (you get the point) Uncle was Ulysses S. Grant. Grandmother had an oil portrait of him from the 1800's up until she passed away. Not sure who in the family has it now, has to be worth a significant amount of money.
  8. Great advice, however the (Condo) Association By-Laws specifically prohibit rental units / renters. Best thing for everyone is to sell the place, however it needs new carpet and some misc work before it can go on the market. I'd estimate $2000 worth of work will yield at least $10,000 on the final selling price, maybe more.
  9. He is currently ok with his bills, but barely holding his head above water. Biggest issue right now is the doctors are sort of stumped on what exactly is causing the Nueropathy and we are faced with having to make multiple trips up to the Clevland Clinic to get a second opinion (Nueropathy comes and goes, one day he can walk without a cane, next day he more or less needs a wheel chair). At any rate he is in agreement to sell his place (everyone agrees that is the best option) however there are a number of improvements that must be done in order to put it on the market (part of the reason he needs access to $). Also we're going to try and wait until Spring to put it up for sale, as a big selling point is the foliage/view from the rear of the Condo. At any rate thanks for the advice, pretty much what I thought all along, but just wanted to make sure.
  10. So my Father is in sort of a tough spot. Trying to see if I can get some advice to help him out, because frankly he's not taking the steps needed to help himself, but thats a whole different story. At any rate he's 65, fully disabled, stage 3 Cancer survivor that is now battling fully-debilitating peripheral nueropathy (loss of feeling/control in his lower legs). Unfortunately his credit took a hit with the Medical bills/Cancer expenses and is currently in the “poor” category. That said he currently owns a Condo and has approximately $55,000 in equity built up. So my question: is there any way to touch the equity with his credit rating? At this point we're not sure if he's going to need to sell the Condo and move into an assisted living residence, or whether he will be able to live on his own. No matter what the outcome it's absolutely critical that he somehow get access to a small portion of his equity. We're not talking much, maybe $8000 or so. He's already tried to get a second mortgage and was declined. Are there any other options?
  11. Cool Deal. And thanks for posting the final outcome/diagnosis. Really makes this section 10x more enjoyable.
  12. About as disgusting as changing the original penalty IMO. Might as well throw that Statue back up... OSU LOL :fa:
  13. Werd. Been a die-hard Caddy fan for a decade or so, Next car will be a V-Coupe, whenever they get into mah "price range".
  14. Buster thread in the passing lane a few months back.
  15. Im guessing it will throw a code if the Solenoid isn't there? I've always ripped that fucker out when it causes problems (or physically disabled it)...never had an Issue ( on OBD-I cars )
  16. I thought we weren't aloud to have fun on here anymore? :gabe:
  17. From age 17-20 I made some change, probably close to what most of the 30+ crowd makes today. Am i proud of it? No. What I am proud of is turning my life around at 21 (12 years ago): Seperating myself from the streets (and easy money) and getting myself an edumacation. For what its worth I have a cleaner Adult record then Clay I done changed mah life My Juvenile record? LOLerskates, its like 17 pages long.
  18. Article from todays Dispatch Says he was merging into traffic from the Avery rd on-ramp.
  19. And for the Triple try your damnedest to get your (Suburb) case Transferred downtown. Personally I don't know how exactly you would go about doing this, but man it's worth the effort. As airwg2189 said earlier, it's almost not worth your time to go to Municipal court. Yes, You MAY get the chance to plea to a lesser charge, but your going to wait for a minimum of 2 hours just to get the chance to do so. To sum it up briefly: CPD/Franklin County Court/Prosecutors are pure win. Suburb Cops combined with Municipal Court Prosecutors/Judges are usually fail-city.
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