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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Now, after you plea not guilty you will be assigned a trial date. This is where you get to talk to the prosecutor and work out a deal (honestly the prosecutor will usually drop the charges or offer you a deal right off the bat - they hate traffic bullshit) Again, and this is coming straight from the Prosecutors mouth, your "Notification to Appear" letter will say you have to show up @ a certain time; however the Prosecutor will give everyone an extra 30 mintues past the stated time to show up. I wouldn't suggest showing up 30min late, rather 15 or 20; absolutely no reason to show up "on time" or early. AGIAN: THIS ONLY APPLIES TO CASES HELD DOWNTOWN/ON SOUTH FRONT ST.
  2. This Geeto guy, I like him. That faggot Jones on the other hand... THE FOLLOWING ONLY APPLIES TO CASES DOWNTOWN. The ticket is going to say to get there at 9am, and you know what? a cluster fuck of people are going to get there @ 9am or earlier, hoping to get the whole ordeal over with quickly. I've personally taken like 5 tickets to court, the first two I took just to learn the process, and learn it well. Here's what i've observed: First and foremost you will have an initial court appearance (the one stated on your ticket); at this time you will enter your plea. If you plea guilty or no contest you will go before a Judge soon after you enter your plea (like less then 30min). If you decide to plea NOT GUILTY you will NOT GO BEFORE THE JUDGE, rather you will get assigned a Trial Date with a Separate Judge. IF YOU ARE GOING TO PLEA NOT GUILTY THERE IS NO REASON TO SHOW UP EARLY, OR EVEN @ 9:00 for that matter. Seriously, show up at like 11:00, or 11:15; 90% of the courtroom will be cleared out by that time. You can literally walk straight up to the Bailiff, plead "Not Guilty" and then turn around and walk right the fuck out. I pulled this "stunt" (if you want to call it that) about a Month ago; I was in-and-out of the Court room in less then 10 minutes, I shit you not. If, in some odd circumstance, court ends WAY early (it should run until at least noon) you can go to the second floor and request a new court date (tell them you got caught in traffic or some shit)
  3. Just watched, fucking LOL'd. Dude always seemed to be so happy and full of good vibes
  4. Robin Williams and Suicide, man that just doesn't sound right. So Sad
  5. Statey's are going NUTS on DUI's lately. Stalking people left and right (I mean riding their ass trying to get them to fuck-up, then doing a quick u-turn and riding someone else's ass). Goddamn Nazi's
  6. Dude was definitely over the line, but the CCW carrier he threatened to shoot was with a known prostitute and her pimp. Again, this doesn't justify his actions, but if you're a known criminal (or with a known criminal) Police aren't going to treat you very well. Trust me, I know, I was a BAD kid, cops HATED me. They pulled the type of shit you see in the OP's video ALL THE TIME (short of searching mah butthole )
  7. Yup, just another "BREAKING NEWS" item for Wolf Blizter to try and capitalize on. The whole ISIS deal is a far, far greater concern IMO.
  8. Doesn't matter, dude hit him with a car after accelerating a second before hand; he clearly could have slammed on the brakes. No doubt in my mind he will get charged with Manslaughter.
  9. At the very least he's going to be charged with (and likely convicted of) Manslaughter. Saying his Career is over is a bit of an understatement...
  10. First sentence said he struck and killed the kid? Walking into the middle of a packed racetrack to call out a speeding racer is kind of asking to get hit IMO (whether it be intentional or unintentional). Although it sure seems like Stewart took aim and fired.
  11. I haven't been into the Growler scene, mainly due to the fact that I got a few filled in Dayton and ended up paying like $19/each for less then a Six-Pack :dumb: Please tell me I can get a Growler filled there for close to $10?
  12. Also, as Derek said before, Alum after dark can be awesome for Bass. I've experienced similar results in the flowing sections of our Rivers...especially this time of year. Can't imagine Oshay would be any different. A stupid amount of people leave the water at dark, right as the bite is about to turn on, leaving all but one or two boats (literally) on the water to pound the fish. I mean what, that one giant Full Moon last summer, we hit something like 30+ Bass casting jigs on Alum (targeting Saugeye) from 12-4am. Note we're approaching a full Moon on Sunday; I'd seriously bet the bite has shifted and the Bass are feeding heavy after dark.
  13. Yea, saw your report on OGF...Thats why they call it fishing and not catching HAHAHA ( : ogf.lame.remark : ) On a serious note, dude it takes a while to get these lakes/rivers/streams down. I've been at hardcore since I was 12, no amount of money/equipment can make up for time on the water. I'd suggest sticking with the closest body of water to you (sounds like it's Oshay) and just fish the piss out of it. Take notes, learn to mark waypoints/structure on your depthfinder (if you haven't already). Fish it high, fish it low, fish it all up and down. Don't just keep running all over Central Ohio trying to find the hot bite on a random lake; try and pattern the hot bite on your "home" lake. This time of year the bite is going to be hit or miss most of the time. Again, come mid September, and basically all of October the bite is on more often then it is off. I'd seriously offer to come with you but I'd want to troll most of the day, as I cast my arm off fishing Rivers from the bank 90% of the time (Derek has showed me "the way" when it comes to trolling open water).
  14. Inb4 Jesse raves about some faggot place called Savor :gabe:
  15. A much different tone then a month ago The guys I know that do well on Griggs/Oshay (For Bass) all stick to finessing a Jig n' Pig and/or Spinnerbait. Not saying other lures don't produce, but for the hardcore Bass guys this is what they stick to 85% of the time. As for topwater, things are going to really heat up here in the next couple months. As Derek said the Bass are already starting-in on Schools of shad, look for that bite to literally explode come late September/Early October. As I said in the other thread don't treat fishing as a Summer-only deal, the late September/October/Early November bite can be (and often is) nothing short of phenomenal.
  16. Never been a Volvo fan, but Bertone's are the cats-ass :megusta:
  17. I take ownership for all my actions, that said I still have the right to a trial and I personally love to exercise that right. I was in court two weeks ago; didn't even try to get out of the charge, actually didn't even say anything to the Prosector. He just walked up and said "im dropping your charges because the other party (in the accident) didn't show up to court". Don't confuse enjoying your rights as an American with trying to escape ownership of a problem :thumbup:
  18. If the cop was sitting outside of Worthington lines I would call (Worthington) Police, explain that you got ticketed outside of the City and would like a Court Date Downtown. Sounds like he was probably sitting right in the "sweet spot" inside his Jurisdiction though http://www.maptechnica.com/us-city-boundary-map/city/Worthington/state/OH/cityid/3986604
  19. Occasionally Suburb cops will write tickets outside of their Jurisdiction (usually when they're policing freeways). When this is the case the ticket will instruct you to show up downtown, instead of local (Worthington) Traffic Court. In my experience Prosecutors (Franklin County/Downtown) seem to hate Traffic cases and often do everything they can to "get rid of them". They could care less about Worthington's pocket book...They have other, more serious shit to deal with.
  20. I see nothing but WINNING. Seriously, take every ticket to court. 2/3 times i've gotten tickets outright dismissed. The 3rd got plea bargained WAY down (Prosecutors idea, right off the bat ) AND YOU DON'T NEED TO HIRE A LAWYER! Dress nice and be polite. Prosecutors (downtown) could give a fuck less about traffic tickets, seems to me they look for reasons to dismiss them because they're viewed as a waste of their time.
  21. Sucks, most of the time Suburb cops wont even show when the case is filed downtown (I.E. they wrote the ticket outside of there Jurisdiction).
  22. BIG QUESTION: Where does the Ticket say you have to show up to court? Downtown (Columbus) or in Worthington?
  23. I've given consent twice, both times the Cops didn't even bother to search the car. Again, something tells me this dude had been in the eyes of the law for quite some time.
  24. I bet there's more to this story, I.E. he/his truck had been spotted at several dope-houses in the past.
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