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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Your presence in CB is welcomed...
  2. Yes, Im a Borderline Liberal. That said I think Ted Nugent (along with John McCain) are some of the best Americans you can get. Period. (Then add in his Music...) Im sure alot of you feel the same way, especially with his stance on guns (note I am neutral on the issue), so posting this as a heads-up. At any rate he's going to be @ the Newport in late July; haven't been there since I was in my teens, and cant think of a better venue to see him live:bangbang:
  3. acklac7

    A/C Help

    This man taught me everything I know. TEST HIM, DO IT! :gabe: - Thanks again Kyle...3 Summers now and A/C is running Ice Cold/without issue.
  4. Watch the news/read the paper. This all Started with the ignition cylinder debacle, and has "snowballed" (if you want to call it that) from there. Honest to god I think it is a good Business move for GM: SHOW CUSTOMERS YOU STAND BEHIND YOUR PRODUCT(S). I'LL NEVER BUY A FORD AFTER ALL THE BULLSHIT WARRANTY ISSUES THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH....NEVER. There was a thread not to long ago about Honda replacing Engine blocks on random cars that had well exceeded their warranty period (in terms of Millieage/Age). IMO that was a pure PR-Move aimed at generating brand loyalty. Looks like GM is following suit.
  5. I've got more then my fare share of those myself. Personally I use this place as a haven to get away from all that shit, not add to it. Just a suggestion And it's "Upper Arlington" or "UA". Nobody calls it "Arlington" Come on now *UA CLASS OF 2000 REPRESENT*
  6. acklac7

    A/C Help

    CAREFULLY check for 24v on the low-voltage side of the transformer (i'd throw the breakers, disconnect the low-voltage side, attact a Volt Meter, then throw the breakers back on). Transformer should be right near the inside control board.
  7. acklac7

    A/C Help

    That or your board is toast. I had similar issues (nada with jumping various wires) turned out to be the transformer.
  8. acklac7

    A/C Help

  9. acklac7

    A/C Help

    Theres some universally accepted color-coding system for HVAC wiring. IE red crossed with green will always turn the fan on, etc. You can find it online.
  10. acklac7

    A/C Help

    Handler (inside), it should have 3-4 relays on it.
  11. acklac7

    A/C Help

    Have you ever replaced a thermostat on a unit that has a heat pump? It can be somewhat confusing.
  12. acklac7

    A/C Help

    Do you know where the board is? Is it easily accessible? Have one person stand at the thermostat and cycle the AC on/off while you're standing right infront of the board. Listen for the Relay(s) to click on and off. Also listen for relays on the thermostat itself to click on/off (just re-read, sounds like the thermo relays are clicking on/off). Thats a start, im sure someone with more experience will chime in. PS - Don't get electrocuted.
  13. I think thats an eastern Seaboard thing, never see those signs in (SW) Florida.
  14. 1989 M6 http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii115/e46fanatic/69.jpg http://www.myfacewhen.net/uploads/1132-must-not-fap.jpg
  15. I routinely catch 5ft+ Sharks off public beaches, usually less then 25ft from shore. Scary thing is how fast I often hook up with one. Like whenever im Shark fishing i'll set my watch, 90% of the time i'll hookup in under 20min. Smallest Shark i've caught is 4ft, biggest just a tad over 7. Mind you they really don't become active/move in close until sunset.
  16. SHARKS LOL http://www.ohiogamefishing.com/photopost/watermark.php?file=34017
  17. Looks "ok", usually the previews feature some of the best lulz of the movie, and i didnt laugh that hard. Hopefully it is shot by the same Director as the original, if not prepare to be dissapointed.
  18. Illegal to drink on a boat, period. (outside of Lake Erie) Stupid, Ohio's boating laws are stupid.
  19. Just got a misdirected PM from Exodous: Some stellar guys we have on here I tell ya. Honestly I think he should take it to court, paying the fine just gives Officer Cocksucker the all-clear to fuck with more undeserving people.
  20. Court costs are added on after the fact. The amount that is stated on the ticket is the amount you have the option of paying in order to avoid the court date. I think we have one of two Scenarios going on here. A. Dickhead Nazi-Cop decides he want's to fuck with someone because he's had a rough day. Decides to give some poor mother hell over a failing to wear a seatbelt properly. Instead of putting the actual amount (likely $30) on the ticket he decides to really be a cocksucker and puts down $125, betting on the fact she'll just pay the fine and move on. (I've been involved in a couple of these circumstances where Officer Cocksucker - for no reason- is just a giant raging asshole right off the bat. Rare, but it does happen.) B. (No Offense to your Wife) Decent cop pulls over a Mother in order to give her a lecture about not wearing her seat belt. She's in a rush, on the rag, and by all means has her seatbelt on so she gets an attitude. Cop remains calm, but this women just wont let it go. Finally Cop says "man fuck this chick" and throws the book at her. Honestly I think it could go either way at this point, so many "WTF" things about this case. If you could post the ticket/narrow down the Issuing Officer/Agency it could really help narrow down what likely happened. I can't imagine CPD or OSHP pulling this kind of Crap, although Suburb Cops/Sheriff's?, Definitely.
  21. And details of case? Are you saying you plead not guilty, went infront of a judge, then had him side with a Cop who didnt even show up to court?
  22. I was under the impression the Prosecutor has NO case if the officer isnt present to testify against you? (Your word vs his and if he isnt there....) If they refuse to dismiss it just wait a few min and go before the judge. Tell him some BS story (or in this case tell him the truth) maintain your innocence, and state that you would like to cross examine any witnesses against you.
  23. For something as petty as this you honestly don't need a lawyer. I've beaten much worse by simply going in and explaining my situation to the Prosecutor. It's going to be a bit of a pain in the ass (you'll have to show up for preliminary hearings first, then get assigned a court date). However once you show up to the court date ask to speak with the prosecutor when you check in. Well, backup a second, before you even ask to speak with the prosecutor ask your wife if she sees the cop in the courtroom (he should be standing with a bunch of other cops). If he's not there take note. Then check in and briefly explain your case to the Prosecutor, and in conclusion ask le prosecutor "is he (cop) even going to show up?" (as if you can't believe copper even wrote the ticket to begin with). Follow that up with something along the lines of "Am I allowed to request a dismissal if he doesn't show?" (You can and will get a dismissal if he doesn't show) I've done this twice, and have either gotten the charges dismissed or plea-bargained for a substantially lesser charge (and tbh in both instances I had a very weak case, although my delivery was solid). People do this by themselves all the time. Dress nice and be polite and you will usually come out ahead.
  24. Turbo? Also whats the update on the Mustang?
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