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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. I think they left off a 0...
  2. Dunno why people hate TW so much. Seriously, never have issues with them. I think in 4 years i've had to call them once because of a bad ground wire for the HD Signal. Never have had to call them about innerets because Time Warner nets never go down. Comcast is fucking horrid when it comes to just about everything.
  3. Sounds like you may have blown the transformer. Using a voltmeter check for 24v on the low voltage (output) side of the transformer.
  4. Process Wizard - Basically like "Task Manager" in Windows except it sits right in the quick launch tab at the top. Great for prioritizing programs that are putting a heavy load on CPU/GPU, or quickly ending them all together if they happen to freeze. https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/8056/process-wizard OH and SMC fan control. One of the best things of owning a Mac: Guaranteed Fan Control Override.
  5. My personal fav from the superbowl, cause we all know its the year 1992 and there is only a handfull of cars that have 100,000+ miles on them :dumb: Also lulz that only one Engineer got the "200,000 mile rainbow" :lolguy: VWLOL
  6. Made the mistake of buying a censored Tupac CD there waaayyyy back in the day. Literally every 4th word of every song was censored. Wasnothappy.
  7. acklac7

    RIP Internet

    I got that impression too, just have horrid memories of all the radio station censorship going on back around '03ish...ClearChannel EVERYWHARE. Man if they get there hands on the net...
  8. acklac7

    RIP Internet

    This is Right Wing Politics at it's core. Censor,Control,Disinform. Read the article, your ol buddy Bush (Cheyney) transformed the FCC into the disaster it is today
  9. This I did not know, hence why I asked. Derek, a lil grumpy eh? Need to get dat Mustang out brah
  10. Mercedes = $$$ Maintenance/Repairs. Why not get a RWD Lexus? ES350's are old people cars...(no offense)
  11. Just trying to help here (along with nabbing my first triple in quite some time); As a rule of thumb contaminants are deposited in fatty-tissue areas, the more fat a fish has, the higher the contaminants. Panfish (Crappie, Bl00Gill,Etc) have little to no fat. Bass/Saugeye - Moderate Fat levels (depending on the season). Catfish - high fat, basically all year.
  12. CopyPasta for a buddy that grew up in the post-2001 Rap-era Remember that "OG Album" you asked for (which I never provided) here you go. Most of these tracks don't have chit for views, downright depressing. (Note Pimp C opens up) Basically the entire "The End" Album (facebook keeps trying to link some bullshit band);
  13. Also keep in mind Pregnant Women/Developing Children are the most at-risk when it comes to contaminants - I wouldn't let them eat fish, period.
  14. Worked in Fisheries for a few years. Certified OGF OG. Alum - Fine Buckeye - Fine Hoover - Fine Indian - Fine Scioto (North of 5th Ave) - Fine for Crappie/Saugeye, Catfish? I personally wouldn't eat them. Don't eat the Bass either, they're full of carcinogens.....:gabe: Scioto (South of 5th ave, and Especially South of Greenlawn) - Wouldn't eat anything, although the fishing can be excellent (keep that "our" secret ) For more see http://epa.ohio.gov/dsw/fishadvisory/index.aspx - Also I wouldn't even fish the streams labeled "All Species: DO NOT EAT"....Note the Scioto isn't even close to that ranking, despite what 80% of Columbus Residents think...That said the Little Scioto - far North of Coumbus in Marion County - (headwaters of the Scioto) is pretty nasty.
  15. The cop probably didn't even show up, and the Prosecutor knew you could almost surely get the charges tossed. Protip: if you take a traffic violation to court ask the prosecutor if the issuing officer is present. If he's not there ask for a dismissal, as the State basically has no case. - worked for me.
  16. And dress like an absolute BO$$ when you show up to court; clean shaven, fresh haircut, $500+ wardrobe...Really helps tilt the scales of justice in your favor.
  17. Best way to do it is to show up to court then ask for a continuance (to find legal counsel etc). But before you do that make sure the Cop is indeed present in the court room, if he's not there ask for a dismissal (you almost surely will get one). If he is there ask the prosecutor for a continuance (they really can't deny you a continuance). Then, when you show up to court the next time (couple of weeks-month) see if the cop is there again. If he's not ask for a dismissal, if he is there ask to talk to the prosecutor about lowering the charges. Be advised that this is sort of a lengthy process, and can be a PITA, but often times you will come out ahead. I've followed said process twice now and have either gotten my (traffic) charges significantly reduced or outright dismissed. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=111260&highlight=suburb
  18. Could be the hardrive controller on the Motherboard too. I've seen it happen on a number of occasions. If the controller goes bad plan on purchasing a new motherboard $$$
  19. that Trans. has notorious issues with the accumulator boring a hole in the case. I'd get it repaired over swapped (as a replacement will be prone to the same problem), unless he's going to sell it.
  20. They still make those? :dumb:
  21. No missing/torn pages, although its been used a number of times. Overall good condition. $40 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=852&pictureid=7438 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=852&pictureid=7439
  22. Question wasn't necc. directed towards you, but in a nutshell there are various video formats you can choose for your finished movie, .Avi being one of the most common. You'll also need to choose a compressor/codec that will scale down the size of the final .Avi video.
  23. Never tried movie maker to be honest. Im assuming you can save files in .Avi format, and select different codecs n chit?
  24. I edit both photos and videos with Virtual dub (with some additional second party filters), fairly easy to figure out. http://www.virtualdub.org/ Also you're going to need a good Codec to compress your videos, I like XVID http://www.xvid.org/Downloads.15.0.html
  25. Yeah, those were more hardcore then creepy. You'd never see something like that here in the states. Going to have to watch the whole thing to see if the one with the forklift dudes hands getting chopped off is on there (im sure it is). Its the Meth project/Domestic Violence chick clips that started to make me creep.
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