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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. As others have said install MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) in addition to installing the Free Version of AVG. Do this with both computers. If computer A. functions fine and computer B. gives you issues computer B. may likely be compromised...It (hacking/bugging a Windows OS) is cake, thats why "haxors" make literally Billions of dollars every year.
  2. Windows + Java is an absolute disaster. Honestly, after everything i've read I would go with the latest version of Java with every single update available. If you use your computer(s) to play with / access moderate-large amounts of Money do your self a huge favor and buy a Mac - I can't emphasize this enough - . Yes Mac's may have vulnerabilities, but nothing close to the seemingly never-ending cluster-fuck of a nightmare that Windows has when it comes to Java/Adobe-based exploits.
  3. This is the reason why I refuse to work for a Dealership. Godamn fucking thieves I tell you.
  4. Dogecoin is seriously named after the Fucking Dog-Meme.....Seriously?
  5. Hmmmm, I don't think i've ever had an issue with a (Windows) AV blocking Java by default, and i've tried alot of them. I take it you can browse fine without an A.V.? What Anti Virus software where you running prior to this? Link?
  6. There is no such thing as Anti-Virus anymore, virtually all decent viruses are encrypted so they cannot be initially detected (by A.V.'s). Buy a Mac.
  7. "Anti Virus' LOL Windows LOL
  8. I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable swimming in the water South of Columbus. Lots of raw sewage gets dumped into the Scioto from Downtown - 10+ Miles South.
  9. With the exception of Lake Erie I believe it's Illegal to possess Alcohol on any watercraft, period. Ohio laws on boating are fucking stoobid. Also the main reason they're cracking down on it is due to people doing downright stupid shit while Cabrewing (Getting so drunk they can't walk/swim, trashing the river, tipping Canoes etc)
  10. Legal? I know that on the Lower Darby through Darbyville DNR/Sheriffs set up hidden "Checkpoints" to bust Cabrewers during the summer (they also do this on the Little Miami). Honestly thought Cabrewing was pretty much illegal throughout the whole state...That said I still do it, just don't litter or act like a moron.
  11. Quitting Coke/Mt. Dew/Dr.Pepper/whathaveu + a tad bit of exercise will result in a drop of 20lbs in like 2-3 weeks.
  12. I drink (Kiwi Strawberry) Propel Water by the case (like $7.00 @ Walmart). It's the best Bottled Water you can buy IMO. Add in a single crushed Caffeine pill if you want an extra kick.
  13. Moderate amounts of Cocaine: best of both worlds
  14. I mentioned something about starting a Columbus-Based exotic rental car company once.... CLAY SAID IT WAS A RIDICULOUS IDEA
  15. I think Woody's will sell you used Battery's for something stupid, like $20.
  16. acklac7

    Missing Plane

    Tonight CNN had an experienced pilot on there panel who stated "whomever did this had alot of planning; they did everything right to constantly stay one step ahead of authorities while continuously throwing them in the wrong direction, seemingly on purpose" You gotta ask yourself, why would a suicidal captain go to such lengths to throw investigators off-course? wouldn't he just down the plane and be done with it? Same thing goes for Terrorists; either down the plane or crash it into something, no need for all these "cover-your-steps" actions. In my mind everything is starting to point more and more to the plane now being on the ground, fully intact, at some remote location.
  17. '92 SC300, Sport tires. With Traction Control on I never have issues (although getting out of deep/slick spots can take a second or two). Turn Traction control off? Instant death trap...
  18. That wing is fuck-ugly. Seriously, it's the same wing hardcore ricers throw on a beat-to-shit '92 Ford Probe. And that Grill/Bumper? Pure Rice... Post 993 Porches; yes they make more power, but god are they downright repulsive :dumb: :barf:
  19. +1 Thank god you didnt sell it...you ever get the cluster issues figured out?
  20. Not a spot of rust, probably runs better then the pissant
  21. Jones LOL. Water cooled rice-boy Porsches LOL. Sweet car Farkas
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