True, shit does happen over here, but it's not like there are people hooking crack on the corners. I mean certain parts of Columbus I would probably CC at all times, but I guess I don't feel the need around hear. Moreover if I do feel the need I would probably consider moving, not Necc. because I am afraid to defend myself, but more because the housing prices/quality of living would likely go down the toilet, personally I don't care for much more drama in my life then I already have. Not to mention if/when I have kids I don't want them growing up in that kind of environment.
And im not against CC in any way shape or form, just think some people take it a little to far and resort to pulling a gun when they could have resolved the issue verbally. Lived down in Florida for a few years and people down there got shot and killed left and right over stupid shit. Alot of those people were law-abiding CC citizens who pulled a gun because they could, only to get shot by the other guy who then claimed he was "defending himself". Only a matter of time before you start hearing about it here.