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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. another bump for James, knows his shit when it comes to computers. glws
  2. acklac7


    Brand New Espree 6060 two-person heated Spa. Got a killer clearance deal on it @ Lowes over the winter. Figured I could put it in a spare room but after thinking it through some more decided to turn the room into an office. Would make a pimp addition to a Master Bath. Basically brand new/never installed, only issues are one small (1/2") scratch in the bottom of the tub and some light swirling on the lip (should come right out with a buffer). Letting it go for $650 FIRM (which is what I paid for it). These normally retail for at least $1200, with a skirt i've seen them in the $2500-$3000 range, pretty good deal. http://www.jacuzzi.com/baths/options/models/espree-6060 Exact same tub @ Lowes for $1461 http://www.lowes.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10151&catalogId=10051&cId=SEARCH&productId=1214375&cm_mmc=SCE_nextag-_-Nextag-_-Nextag-_-Jacuzzi%2060%22L%20x%2060%22W%20x%2022%22H%20Espree%202-Person%20White%20Corner%20Whirlpool%20Tub http://i47.tinypic.com/10fs75l.jpg http://i46.tinypic.com/2gtzosn.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/dw2hjp.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/2lmpft0.jpg
  3. About to service my brakes too and was thinking of changing the fluid. So basically open the bleeders, pump the brakes (in there normal range of travel) a few times, replenish with fluid, then repeat? Also is this messy?
  4. seen that one too, def wanted.
  5. what are your plans for said car?
  6. Only a handful of first gen Gs's. Tellin you, those first gen GS/SC's are getting to be scarce. Going to be hanging on to mine for a bit.
  7. The one down on Groveport usually has shit for lexus's. SC's and GS's are usually hard to comeby.
  8. "wicked witch of the west" constantly complains about stupid shit to the condo association. Finally after threatening us with a fine $ I called the association and told them "if that bitch has something to say she needs to come say it to my face, i'll set her straight" - last we heard of her.
  9. See that you live in Newark but you might want to consider taking some introductory Auto courses @ Columbus State. Auto-zone probably would pay for it.
  10. If you've never wanted kids don't bother getting involved with someone elses. My 2c.
  11. On the points themselves or just inside the cap in general? just replaced my diz and was curious.
  12. I wouldn't trust any Microsoft installation that doesn't require a key, j/s.
  13. you guys are ordering the wrong stuff, piada's italian sausage roll with 3 different kinds of cheeses along with onions peppers and red sauce is teh bomb. Only girls and fehgets order bowls...
  14. zeuS has been out there for years and they still can't figure out how to stop it, or even detect it for that matter. Hence why Microsoft started seizing domain names and conducting physical raids on botnet servers. I mean it's pretty bad when a software company has to seize equipment in a last ditch effort to address a virus issue. http://krebsonsecurity.com/2012/03/microsoft-takes-down-dozens-of-zeus-spyeye-botnets/
  15. Won't hurt Apple in the long run as they've already removed Java from future OSX installations: Java is the achilles heel of OSX, remove it. Also the architecture of OSX and Windows are vastly different. There are so many ways to exploit a PC it's not even funny. Yes Macs can be compromised, however it takes some effort. With windows (even ones with top notch anti virus's) it's cake. Read up on RAT'S (zeuS, cerberuS), file-binding, crypted/polymorphic code and drive-by-download's, then make the decision for yourself.
  16. Did you replace everything with identical gauge cable? Have you checked for fuel @ the carb? Manually adding fuel? Briefly try and start it again see if it will turn over.
  17. Meh, the government is capable of making good decisions from time to time, I think this is one of them (along with the Cooper Park Complex)
  18. If we don't make a play for the grant $ some other State will surely take our place.
  19. Agreed. Confusing, article is confusing.
  20. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/04/03/remaking-the-river.html
  21. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=400&pictureid=2914 :masturboy: js
  22. Homosexuals are people too, real people.
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