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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. I had to figure it out for myself, currently crafting a tutorial thread in "NWS"...
  2. when I initially posted the link it worked, now its blocked, bullshit.
  3. Indeed, now if we could just get everyone to start using it.
  4. Hal actually has a heart, im flabbergasted.
  5. Buy a house in Southwest Florida, Tennessee, Ohio, and the UP of Michigan. Then alternate where I stay according to the seasons. And i'd buy alot of old Porsche's to drive while staying at said houses.
  6. Also try whapping the starter with a hammer/pipe extension combo.
  7. Have you checked your battery ground cables/connections for corrosion/excessive resistance. That's where I would start.
  8. + 1 for "Porsch" http://i39.tinypic.com/1zptbu9.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/n3rclw.jpg '99 to present are pronounced "crap" or "fugly" take your pick.
  9. Also got the High-Def, searchable .PDF version of Automotive Electricity and Electronics has two separate manuals, one for the Classroom and one for the Shop, the shop manual basically walks you through how to diagnose starting/electircal issues w/ color illustrations. Anyone wants it just hollar and i'll up it, it's like $115 new or something. http://books.google.com/books?id=ZI4HQgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&l=220
  10. Where does the negative battery cable ground to? have you inspected the ground location for corrosion. I had symptoms eerily similar to what you describe and it turned out to be a bad body ground to the negative terminal. At this point you need to verify the last point in the circuit where you are getting less then 12v and then backtrack till you find 12v again. Out of knowhere I got a subscription for Alldata *thanks again* so I'll try and find the starter circuit diagram here in a bit.
  11. Also might want to try running one of those (thick) clamp-style jumper cable from the (-) battery terminal straight to the block in order to verify ground/see if it will crank.
  12. I would take a look at the starter connections first, maybe even try and whap the starter with a hammer / pipe (risky cause the starter should still be under warranty and you might damage the case. There's a whole hoard of starter-circuit issues that could be causing the symptoms you describe. Also could be a anti-theft/pcm issue, but my bet is the starting problem lies somewhere in the starter circuit. Currently downloading the most recent *free* version of Alldata, so I might be able to point you in the right direction here in a few days...Complete AllData package = 282gb
  13. Workout like a madman, and drink Large Fruit Smoothies (preferably from Smoothie King) for Lunch. Dropped an easy 20lbs in like 2, maybe 3 weeks under that regimen. Kept it up for a couple months and got 2lbs under what I weighed senior year of Highschool. At 28 that is hard to do.
  14. Supposedly we are getting the Scion and Japan is getting the FT-86. Similar to how we got the SC300 and Japan got the Soarer. Also read that the body lines for the Scion have been changed slightly from the FT-86 to make it more appealing to the younger generation. :gabe:
  15. Its a fucking Scion. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it was baged an FT-86, Scion just screams "ricer" to me.
  16. was on le innernets in 95' on the parents computer. Vividly remember me and a group of friends trolling the piss out of lesbians in an AOL chat room; they flipped, called in some "Guide_ftp" (whatever the fuck that is) and got our account/connection immediately suspended...."goodbye" (no joke). Took the rents about a week to get it back online again:gabe:. Fawk I miss the 90's.
  17. lolz I dont need to google it I wrote an term-paper on Bi-Polar disorder for psych101. In a nut shell Bi-polar disorder is characterized by periods of extreme happiness (sometimes referred to as mania) followed by periods of depression. Im quite sure Dr. Bravo can expand upon it further.
  18. You know what I was getting at...
  19. +1 Bi-polar means your extraordinarily happy then extraordinarily sad. Not fucking psycho about peacocks and African American evolution.
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