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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. I was just up there as the front rolled through, out in the middle of a downpour fishing like a b0SS :fuckyeah:. Oshay is probably one of the best Crappie lakes in Central Ohio, maybe even better then Delaware. MONSTER slabs up there are common, right through summer, I think there was just a post on OGF about someone getting into them real good a few days ago. And I hate boat-fishing for the exact reasons you describe, finding where the fish are at can take all day, and even then once you find them you have to identify a presentation that they will hit. I know for a fact alot of guys will troll right out infront of the dam for them, thats where I got mine. Like just to the east of the dam there is a nice flat, then it drops off to deeper water, they like to hang on/around that dropoff and ambush baitfish. Alot of guys will hit the points this time of year up on alum, that or identify shallow flats adjacent to deep water (with your depthfinder), from what i've heard S-eye/Musky will hang in the deeper water during the day and then come up on the shallow flats to feed later on in the evening.
  2. Go up to alum and throw stickbaits on braid, there's zillions of them up there. Investing some $$ in a good setup will give you a 10x better chance of hitting one. Like get a decent St.Croix rod ($125) and a decent reel ($75) and some power-pro and have at.
  3. acklac7

    And I lol'd.

    where are the pics? are hot chicks like this always present at HD?
  4. also check OGF (http://www.ohiogamefishing.com) for reports and stuff, alot of guys on here that are on there already, but if your new try and keep it "pc" / rated G over there or mods get pissed.
  5. Me and Derek: CR fishing gods :fuckyeah: Alot of the guys that fish Alum on the regular will tell you they are becoming a nuisance, hell last spring they shocked up over a 100+ in the pool below the spillway and transported them back to the main lake. Just go up there fishing for Saugeye and you will catch them, or at least hook into one. What do you guys want to fish for? Where abouts do you live? Used to work for the EPA fisheries division shocking/sampling fish and whatnot so I have sort of insider information as to where the hot bite is at. Right now Buckeye has been phenomenal for saugeye but can be sort of a drive if your not from the eastside. Griggs/Oshay/Scioto will heat up for crappie soon but it's going to be awhile before the water comes down (I think will go for just about all systems in central ohio ). Here's a nice Ski I picked up a few years back at Alum, and A big ol' shovelhead I got below Griggs a couple of summers ago, both on artificials (jigs/cranks). http://www.ohiogamefishing.com/photopost/watermark.php?file=49151&size=1 http://www.ohiogamefishing.com/photopost/watermark.php?file=51037&size=1
  6. acklac7


    I was down below Oshay fishing like a bo$$ as that fucker rolled through....aint no thang.
  7. From what i've heard the worst thing you can do is settle a debt several years after it has been issued. Like the record of you paying the creditor or w/e stays on your credit report for 7 years from the date you payed it off, so if you play your cards wrong you can fuck your credit report for 14 years.
  8. So what happens if after 7 years they come after you/try and sue you/garnish your wages etc? Does that still go on your credit record?
  9. So he did get that thing up and running, I remember watching a video about it years ago, I guess the supercharger came from a Locomotive or someshit, insane. Nevermind wrong car. (I think)
  10. acklac7

    Kony 2012

  11. Wasn't increased zddp the whole reason to run diesel oil (rotella) in the first place:confused:
  12. Also heard running normal oil + STP oil treatment (http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1452145&CAWELAID=326623475) will give you the same benefits as rotella as the STP stuff has crazy high levels of zinc/zddp.
  13. Alot of the caddy guys run it in there 1st gen Northstars, something about higher levels of zinc or something.
  14. http://i41.tinypic.com/142wnbb.jpg Guess gabe is trollin youtube now lulz. And I would've hit that about 9 months ago, j/s.
  15. http://static.quickmeme.com/media/social/qm.gif
  16. http://cousinsarmynavy.com/ Haven't been there in years, but back in the mid 90's they had some cool crap. Good to see they're still around, RIP 90's campus scene
  17. I rip streams from pandora/youtube with Macvide audio recorder, sound quality is fawking amazing.
  18. Had something like that going on for a bit, vibrated/pulled/bucked from the rear like crazy when I went I apply the brakes, figured it was the rear caliper sticking. Like a bo$$ I drifted the living piss out of it and whola, no more vibration. Figured I got the brakes so hot they expanded and the caliper piston came loose, thankfully the problem has yet to return.
  19. Thinking about it more I may be able to come close to $450 in the next few days, i'll let you know.
  20. That was more of an offer to Biggu as I figured you would want a quick sale. If your willing to hang on to it for a month i'll gladly give you $600. Been looking for one on/off for a while now, cant stand automatics.
  21. If you get it I'll buy it from you on April 12 for $600.
  22. Definitely aren't for everyone but I sex those things, especially the kubas, those were mah shit.
  23. acklac7

    WTB: Ipod

    I'll take it if Buck doesn't.
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