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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. I believe the car is gone. I saw it last weekend, this weekend there was a 2014 Camaro SS sitting in the driveway with new plates. Garage was open, no Linginfelter. He wasn't out there or I would have stopped and asked him. I wonder where the car went?
  2. Realtor.com and Zillow are the 2 best in my opinion, other than http://www.hudhomestore.com for foreclosures. All these sites pull from the MLS either way, so you are likely to get the same houses (except for the foreclosure site). Zillow's maps are sweet, but I usually just enter in the address into Google Maps for a good view.
  3. 100% agree. Mon-Friday (day), I eat probably 90% perfect. Friday night through Sunday, I open it up to 'whatever I want'. BUT, I am not trying to lose weight anymore, just maintain. So many people quit "diets" because they are too strict on yourself. You cannot eat lettuce and chicken for every meal for the rest of your life and be happy. There is nothing wrong with having at LEAST a cheat meal every week, even when losing weight. People just get too strict and they end up quitting. Again, you have to change your lifestyle overall, not diet. Otherwise you will lose weight, gain weight, lose, etc. You'll eat because you're unhappy, and you'll be unhappy because you eat. It'll be a viscious cycle. :gabe:
  4. He keeps it in the garage and usually only takes it out on REALLY nice days or show days (rightfully so). The thing is, my neighborhood isn't some ritzy area either...140-160k houses...
  5. I cut a car into 4 pieces and put it into the back of my Titan. No motor, no trans, no brakes or suspension. Got $86 for it, haha.
  6. He lives on my street, about 12 houses down. REALLY cool dude, always has vette friends at his house. He stops down to see the 240's progress sometimes. Sexy ass car. I sat in it right before he was about to head to a show but haven't went for a ride yet. I hear it starting from my house all the time haha.
  7. Everyone said it best. Subway is NOT as good as people think. A footlong piece of bread only is 96 carbs just for white. That is equivalent to well over 1 cup of pasta, which is crazy for one meal. When I lost my 50 pounds I ate a lot of Chipotle salads...they are the exact same as a bowl, you get a little bit less rice but you get a bed of lettuce on the bottom, lifted weights and did 20-30 minutes of intense cardio. Don't eat chipotles dressing for their salad! It is TERRIBLE for you. I swear you can eat almost any restaurant in this city (less Cheesecake Factory, my ultimate demise), as long as you eat smart. Want a burger and fries? Get a burger with no cheese, no mayo and only eat HALF the bun (half is okay to eat). Problem holding your veggies? Ask for another peice of lettuce to use as your 1/2 bun replacement. Fries are okay, they are a decent starch, although fried I know. They aren't a killer. Use your judgement, and create a diet that becomes a way of life, not a diet. Diets fail, lifestyle changes do.
  8. Holy shit, those are awesome. I just looked those up and never seen one before. Definitely getting 3 for my cars.
  9. Yeah, he's a red shirt so he's been out 3 years after this season. This trade to me started off as a complete joke to the franchise, and then it started to make sense. Get value for Mr. Glass while you can. I am so sick of hearing the Browns say "we are rebuilding for the future". When is the damn future? It's been said for 14 years since their return. For Christ sake, the future was years ago. At this point it's borderline laughing stock. Who Dey.
  10. Damnit guys, you are making me want to go buy this for something I won't even have soon! Sigh...
  11. Agree with both. Braxton does make some dumb ass plays and he gets injured so much because of his lack of trust of others. Supposedly he grew up this offseason, but haven't seen enough of him to verify.
  12. I don't, I just don't have him confused with "sling the ball where-ever-the-fuck" Denard Robinson. Ha
  13. I don't think Denard and Braxton are anywhere in the same league. I really do believe Denard was an athlete and Braxton really is a quarterback. The jury is still out on Braxton for this season. We haven't seen enough of him against anyone relevant to really see his improvements. At this point, we have seen a traditional week 1 (working out the kinks) offense and then he went out on injury. At the end of the day, we are extremely lucky. We are lucky enough to have one of the best starting quarterbacks in the NCAA, and have a backup that is honestly probably a top 25-30 QB in the NCAA. People always trip about how good Guiton is. Remember, he is still a quarterback for THE Ohio State University, and a 5th year senior. He was recruited at one time for a reason. Either way we go, this particular game is in the bag. I am stoked for the 8pm game against Wisconsin. Anyone else notice Wisconsin only dropped 3 spots in the loss? Everyone knows that was a bullshit call, even the voters. They are still #24, so hopefully low 20's by next week.
  14. SHIT I wish this was on Xbox 1...the 360 is my roommates and I'm about to kick him out soon. I really want to pick this up.
  15. Zx2guy19

    Comic Con

    I went to a home and garden show (fucking terrible) with my fiance once at the convention center during comic con. Nerds out the ass, some people were funny as hell and holy shit were the girls hot. Definitely sloots, tits everywhere. Do approve.
  16. Donated! Please don't put my business on there haha...Clarizio Rentals is corny but I had to think of something for my stupid taxes. Good luck Doc!
  17. Loved the game too man. We looked good, sloppy in some areas and we HAVE to clean up these penalties. It is going to cost us 1 or more games this season if we keep having near 100 yards. I love Whitworth's passion. He brings a lot of life to that line and he is all about his team. Good to have him back.
  18. Left my business card at home, I'll donate tomorrow! I have a really good friend who suffers from (minor) epilepsy.
  19. I really think the best course of action is a more stern talk with the owners. Don't threaten, but indicate that the next step by you is HOA and then from there animal control. They will get the point. Or you can try a different approach...ask the owners if it would be okay to bring the dog over to your yard to meet your dogs in a more friendly setting. Hell, they could become friends and then at the very least it takes out the harm factor with your dogs. Downside is you'll have more shit to clean up, ha! Unfortunately, this problem will only get worse as the dog gets older.
  20. His tickets are 7A, row 29, seat 26 and 27. Alumni seats and you can borrow his ID. $80 a piece
  21. Sold, thanks Greg. Mike was a really cool guy!
  22. My biggest concern is that if I get it for xbox 1 (not sure if it's even for that) I have to wait until November when the console is released. I don't want to buy it for 360 and then 2 months later all I play is my 1.
  23. Yeah, I'll take that. I honestly have no room for them anywhere and with the move, I just want them to a good home. You have his number?
  24. I trust your opinion, I know you've been to a lot of weddings, ha! Maybe that is smarter is to just register big ticket items...I'll see what the better half thinks. Shit, I didn't know that. I'm a groomsmen at my friends wedding next Friday, looks like I've got some serious money to spend.
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