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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. I still think they are...maybe a bit biased. Funny enough, when I typed that I was thinking about putting no teams have come close, but I stopped and thought "hmm...maybe Oklahoma". BUT, Oklahoma didn't play in as many BCS games or have the dominance in their conference as we did. Either way, it's good to be a Buckeye. Even better, it's always good to be a Buckeye.
  2. I love the cycle of college football. I think one of the reasons that people hate OSU aside from our overall idiot fans is because we are always (less a season or 2) dominant. Name another program that has been consistently as good as us. You'll be hard pressed to name any more than 1-2 over the last 15 years.
  3. Crap, sorry man. My co-worker's husband is thinking about upgrading. I'll let her know about this! It really is like $1500 on line, you weren't kidding! Ha
  4. I also go by EBC for Street, Hawk for Race. That isn't tried and true, as each one has different benefits.
  5. I did this in college for "Columbus Garage Floor Coatings". I believe it's ~$5.50 a square foot now. Was $4/sq ft 5 years ago, but naturally prices go up. Jackson hit the nail on the head. Those etching products work, but NOTHING like a diamond grinder. It will take your floor down to completely bare concrete, and as he said, use an angle grinder with a diamond back too. Applying is easy, it's all in the prep work. We did some sweet ass garages and I was able to do my own as an 'employee benefit' for around $500 back in the day. I still own the house as a rental and it looks almost as good as the day I installed it. I am going to do the garage at my new house next year.
  6. I like your predictions, but I totally disagree with Navy going 6-6. Many are projecting they will go 11-1 with their only loss coming from THE. I also totally do not believe in Baylor, at all. I think Oklahoma will come out of the Big 12.
  7. Can't wait, I feel like a kid on December 22nd. 3 days until SANTA. My prediction is 41 OSU/17 Navy
  8. Okay haha, maybe late 2nd/early 3rd is a bit optimistic But, who knows what he would do in the combine. If he tears it up and all bills of health are cleared, who knows where he could go.
  9. I love Braxton, but I'm telling you that if JT Barrett has a stellar season, Braxton isn't coming back. He won't want to share time (I don't blame him) and he will see that his shelf life may not be as long as he hopes. This coming from a total non-douche fan. If Barrett knocks it out of the park, Braxton will declare and go late 2nd/early 3rd round. Nothing wrong with that at all, I've truly enjoyed him being a Buckeye. If we get him for another season, hell yeah. If not, I'll root for him in the NFL with no hard feelings!
  10. I've got the exact same one...works pretty damn good for an electric edger. IIRC I saw this at Sears a few weeks ago (or a similar model) for $99. Great deal
  11. Man, week 1 and 2 really are starting strong. Can't. Freakin. Wait.
  12. Hey Panduh, how many do you have? I'd love to go too, they're one of my favorite bands. That's seriously awesome you are their manager.
  13. Yeah man, realistically speaking, you won't find a 4x4 this close to winter that isn't a total piece of shit for anything under 3k. If you could go up to 5k you can get something decent. Good luck man! I know it's hard this time of year.
  14. Bad ass, that thing flies. Joe- doit. That simple
  15. Man I love Twenty One Pilots. Didn't know they were here then!
  16. Thanks for the advice guys. Mitch and I are going to meet up on Saturday for me to try it out. It sounds like we are similar size. I rode 50 miles on a bike (I know that's not much) for Pelotonia that I borrowed from L Brands the day before the ride and it wasn't even close to the right size but I was fine. I'll definitely try to get fitted (heck, I have a half day of vaca tomorrow, maybe I'll go then). I do have 3 jerseys, a pair of gloves, riding shorts and a helmet from Pelotonia, so I should be good there! I'm pretty excited to start...that first 50 felt great.
  17. Jesus, I opened this thread thinking that ISIS Suspension's stock is doing really well. Scary shit for sure.
  18. Great looking kids everyone. All the pics are awesome excep that one with the Jet's jerseys haha. Go Bengals! I just got married 3 months ago and hope to be in the same position in 3-4 years!
  19. Thanks guys. Mitch, if you want to shoot me a text with any details/pics/price, the number is . Appreciate it!
  20. This is so sad to hear, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Take comfort in knowing that as you said, her wish has been fulfilled. She will go on to help many and continue lives of people who though hope was lost. I really couldn't stop thinking about this yesterday and again, I am so sorry for your loss.
  21. I heard JT Barrett idolizes Johnny Manziel and frequently throws up the 'money' sign. Not. For real though, it sucks to see Braxton out for the season so close, but with a team like OSU we have to have the 'next man up' mentality. Can't say we have to replace him, but we should be able to come close.
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