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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. you and your silly logic. Who could ever expect today to have the same logic across the board.
  2. I miss the days of finding 120k miles or less Supra's/Cressida's on Craigslist from anywhere from $200 to $800 bucks. I just had the conversation with my wife about how I need to start working on the Corolla once the garage is done and I don't know if I can sell it once done since I won't find another project car without paying a stupid amount of money. Verse is giving great advice. The other option is 20/22re Celica's. They seem to sit for sale forever and have decent mileage on them.
  3. wait research. now it's evil since it doesn't fit the narrative. Just like we can't eat meat that has been feed hormones but we can feed hormones to a child/adults to change their sexual identity. On one hand we can throw stats to say whites are more inclined to a disorder, but refuse to discuss the over all trend in crime rates versus ethnicity to identify social/cultural issues to improve our overall society. (keep in mind I am half Black. I have to say this to avoid the social justice police saying I am racist and tends to be a default I have nothing else to shoot for argument). There is no threatening as found in previous pages, just pointing out inconsistencies in a discussion as I honestly enjoy learning from another view point. 1 + 1 = 2 should be valid in any logical or programming result that is not political, emotionally, ethnically, sexually motivated. Yes I am fully aware of the non-traditional approach of nothing is concrete due to our acceptance. Pointing out our own faults is just as important as being able to point another persons fault. Something that I learned through my own failures and yes I know I missed something for the grammar nazi's.
  4. Thats because any psych evaluation information is not stored in a database that the FBI has access to. The problem is that the line of mental illness can be skewed to not allow more normal functioning people to not have fire arms. It's either were 100% hands off and let who ever have a weapon or databases are allowed to collect information on legitimate psych issues to ensure they do not own firearms. catch 22
  5. Interesting points. I remember when I was a skill trainer in a middle school how everything would stop and chaos would ensue so teachers could have kids cram for the test. I do agree that there needs to be more of a focus on mental health. What I find at work in training front line call center agents is that their self-talk is what leads them to depression, complacency to do nothing but binge watch netflicks leads to lack of self-control ties to inconsistencies in life overall (no self-discipline), the lack of how to deal with confrontation situations in a professional manner is the root of the majority of their social problems, some will be lifers in front-line work because they have had no exposure to logical problem solving, and some have poor financial awareness which causes a never ending shit-show of not being able to deal with things when they break down. I honestly could be wrong, but adding education to drive awareness in these areas I feel could solve the majority of the problems I came across in people I train. Being unhappy in life to me is a mental state that can be solved early on versus someone that is nick names smurf because they chase them around all day. I honestly have only come across one person that I felt if his new endeavor to go back to school didn't work out he would likely end up hanging himself. When schools went away from competition and physical education, it removed the exposure early on to teach kids how to deal with not being good enough and adversity.
  6. So according to this logic, the internet should be banned because someone learned how to make a bomb to kill people from it.
  7. jesus that's silly it's still for sale. GLWS
  8. This man gets it. If a person decides, I am willing to spend the next 20 years of my life in jail to fuck someone up, the time it takes for the police to arrive, there is plenty of time for them to do what they want. During those critical moments of having to defend yourself, no laws help, the gun free zone don't help, and the round limits don't help. The police and military are not guaranteed to be there. There are no precautions that can be taken to stop them. If it's not guns, it be another avenue to inflict pain. Giving an inch will lead to a mile and then you will lose the ability to legally defend yourself.
  9. but gun control is working so well in Chicago
  10. another possible route would be find public park that has a decent sized lot, have food/coffee trucks pay a permit fee to parks and recreation, and see if the parking lot can be reserved for those few hours with parks and recreation. The food/coffee truck permit fee would pay for any reservation fee of the parking lot and then some.
  11. http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1518800492888.jpg You may have to go to this link to view it: http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1518800492888.jpg
  12. If you go past 1994, it's interesting to see jumps deaths versus legislation.
  13. Something that is rarely talked about when gun control comes up, the FBI does not have access to a database that holds information from any forms filled out during a psych evaluation regarding mental diagnosis in the past or present.
  14. Jesus. Been gone a weekish and the same shit show continues.
  15. If your back yard is big enough, get an old moped. I had the time of my life doing laps in my parents back yard and construction sites in middle school.
  16. Out of curiosity, what did Obama do to help the native Hawaiians who land was taken by our government to improve their communities?
  17. Columbus is the capital for driving on spare tires. Also be careful what you ask for. I came from a city that if you had a different size tire than stock you had to get a permit and the police could stop you at any time even if you were not breaking any laws.
  18. Will get a ticket for texting and driving, but playing with a 12 inch screen is okay.
  19. Geetoo is a sharp guy with ingrained beliefs. Nothing wrong with that. Republicans are going to republican and democrats are going to democrate with their view points. Maybe time to close the thread and move on.
  20. The problem that comes into play is title 9 and the percent of universities athletic programs that can afford to pay it's players.
  21. I had the same thing. I started eating daily two cloves of chopped garlic, shot of apple cidar vinegar, and gargling peroxide before I went to bed and so far it hasn't gotten any worse. What seemed to help also was I got back to putting the exercise bike in the bathroom to workout, space heater, and the hot water running in the shower.
  22. No different than the US staring multiple wars in violation of geneva laws, were the only country to nuke a major population area, or knowingly accepting refuges that are against personal western freedom. Even more out there is encouraging the migrant crises to destroy the working class and reducing wages. It maybe possible what happened with Russia, but folks with money will make anything happen regardless of rules and political affiliation. Both Trump and Clinton/Obama very likely has as much dirty laundry as the other. Trump has questionable Russia ties while Clinton/Obama bent over to take donations from a culture that is against women's/gay/individual freedom. The next year will be entertaining regardless of the outcome. I am curious to see how it plays out of small vs big government and individual freedom vs. religious beliefs. (yes I did say something anti-trump)
  23. Depends on what your willing to lose vs what is important. As you know priorities change in life.
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