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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. the ironic that about this thread is there are stereotypes both ways. The same can be said about guys who only lift weights, sucked at any sport, and can't run more than 40 yards. I could care less about cross-fit, but anything that gets people active and taking care of their body is a plus.
  2. that would be for das borgen to post tranny gifs
  3. One thing to consider is you may need time to get use to activity after work. I would honestly start off with playing basketball for an hour or two for a month mixed in with medium treadmill work. After that, then jump into something more physically demanding so you don't burn out or get injured. I had a teaching pro that I would play in tennis who would go in the bathroom and do lines if he thought he could get close to beating me. I would throw the second set just for the entertainment.
  4. 10phone2


    I agree its a good plan to have and I cringe at the thought of dealing with craigslist. I would honestly try supraforums, supramania, or celicasupra instead.
  5. great video. I stumbled up it 3 months ago. After showing my dad, he actually used it in his class that he teaches at Wright State.
  6. 10phone2


    I can't believe your Supra is on craigslist.
  7. you have to hit the play button on the bottom right of the screen for this link http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/y2/r/5l8_EVv_jyW.swf?v=565494570134096&ev=0
  8. someone can have a high IQ and still be a retard at others things. I'm proof of that.
  9. As much garbage I gave you in the other thread about ricer driving. I can honestly say you have a very clean STI.
  10. if someone wants to pay 100K for an Audi, I'm sure I could find some nice investment beach property for them in Nebraska.
  11. good for her, small steps at a time. What still blows me away is how good the internationally ranked girls are. I hit with Jade Hooper who was 11 at the time and was ranked in the top 3 for Australia under 14. She could easily could have made the majority of Division I tennis programs at that age. Fyi, in case you need cheap indoor court time during the winter. I just found out that OSU has 30 day guest passes for $60 and unlimited court time for their indoor courts. I will more than likely live there in January/February so I can be semi-ready to attempt to qualify for challengers over the summer.
  12. I will be willing to bet he was a highly respected coach also. Gavin Hooper, who came out to my facility to teach special tennis clinics, is probably still in jail for the same charges. The guy coached Monica Seles, Agassi, and traveled with Pat Cash(who won wimbledon). He was one of the most professional pros I even met/worked with and was shocked when I found out what happened.
  13. lol. Upper Arlington does have one of the states better high school programs. I was pretty shocked to see how nice there courts are when I was there for a tournament considering they are technically a public school
  14. They are not actually employed by the USPTA. The USPTA is a national certification board that coaches take test for to gain different levels of certification. Regardless, I was pretty shocked they offered the benefit.
  15. If I can remember, there is a farm investor actually looking to convert large areas of detroit into farm land since the land is way cheaper then actual farm land.
  16. wasn't Wiggs in a lawsuit with IPS over him skipping out on the bill? I wonder if it backfired on him.
  17. I actually made it through an Audi thread without trolling Audi.
  18. Is Phil the coach on the left?
  19. isn't ironic that the older guy on the right in the pic reminds me from the perv from Family Guy.
  20. Over the last several years there has been a string of prominent tennis coaches across the globe to be convicted sexual relationships with their under 18 year old students. One of the worlds largest tennis coaching certification boards just sent out this newsletter with added benefits to take care of their coaches. I wish I was making this shit up. From: USPTA World Headquarters <uspta@uspta.org> Date: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM Subject: USPTA e-Newsletter - December 2012 USPTA e-Newsletter Follow us on FacebokFollow us on TwitterDecember 2012 What USPTA resources are you using? President’s message by Tom Daglis Well, it is dues time again! USPTA membership dues offer continuing education and, of course, paying your dues sustains your certification as a USPTA teaching professional. However, a question that is often asked by our membership is,“What value do I receive from my USPTA dues?” The following changes have been implemented for 2013:[/b] An additional sexual abuse & molestation insurance policy is being offered to all members – only $30 annually All active USPTA members in the United States, its territories and Canada may purchase $1 million worth of sexual abuse and molestation insurance coverage, which protects you if you are charged with sexual abuse or sexual molestation. For more information or to purchase, click here.
  21. alot of math in an understatement. Basically the principles behind mechancial movement....engines, planes, tools, etc(I'm sure others can give a better description).
  22. I could afford it if I could just stop touching myself.
  23. it would be alot of work, but how about going into mechanical engineering? You could start off at Columbus State and then transfer into OSU.
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