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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. I thought that was Obama trying to do something useful
  2. this is something that you have to accept, any type of online program or big name school will be pricey in state or not. If Ohio Domincan program checks out qualification wise, then it can be a winner due to you are a state resident, hence cheaper tuition. Several other options are Depaul, Michigan, Washington, and Stanford. alternative route: If your main focus is to get into the best possible school even though you don't have the qualifications. A back door to gain admission into great schools with high standards is to apply as a non-declared major for a few classes. It's easier to get accepted and if you do well then you are able to apply with a proven track record at the university. The big downside, is you may have to pay out of pocket since I'm pretty sure FAFSA wont' cover it due to no declared major and you will pay 10-30% higher tuition for those classes you take undeclared. It maybe possibly worth it since you get a big dick name school for your diploma. If you have any questions regarding a specific universities reputation, just ask away since I can easily find out from my parents.
  3. University of Maryland has a solid online program. They were one of the first programs in the country to go online. I would personally avoid Franklin since the name is not recognized across the country.
  4. Unions who demand a worker gets paid 20 an hour to screw bolts doesn't help either.
  5. Oklahoma had their chance and lost their way out of it.
  6. I honestly don't think a fair tax will happen. Having the 40% who don't pay taxes now contribute their part will be as bout as successful for the end of corporate welfare.
  7. I have a feeling you contacts in Australia are correct. We are potentially giving short term financial gains for corporations at the long term destruction of our manufacturing sector. I still am at a loss how we allow China to keep their currency at such deflated levels. An easy fix would be to greatly increase tariffs for imported goods from China. Great for american workers, but the corporations wouldn't be able to quadruple their profits. Sticky situation.
  8. I was mistaken and can admit when I am wrong regarding the hawaii portion. Obama has still shown 0 ability to get this done, but at some point I hope he does because there is alot on the line.
  9. so Obama goes on vacation, gets back and this is what he does: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-salutes-entertainers-taking-washington-bow-022723490.html If this lack of focus in dealing with important matters that can throw our country back in recession is par for the next 4 years, we are literally fucked.
  10. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/Manifold.gif
  11. The foundry does not have any upcoming TIG welding classes in December. There are two MIG class, but it's full.
  12. Life priorities change and there are not as many decent entry level paying jobs that there once were for younger folks to blow money on. Is it just me or were the early to mid 2000's year way better then what I thought at the time?
  13. Lol. I did that once not paying attention when my wife use to work at Polaris. It's like a 15-30 loss of time.
  14. don't care what it's from. you came through with that one.
  15. something that I would personally like to either own one day for giggles or get a ride in would be a modified Porsche 914 http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/3861685066_3ab6fee4d4.jpg
  16. someone should be punched in the nuts for doing that to a vw vert body.
  17. 10phone2


    cant imagine how big their dirty movie section is.
  18. I curious, how much did you get charged for the 8.8 narrowing?
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