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Posts posted by gbracing81

  1. Would like to profit but I would settle with the money I spent on buying a new iPhone,locks,new key for the truck and a new fob for the vette and having it programmed. I wasnt trying to get with her. Like I said, we was friends, nothing more but she tried to make it more than that and I caught on and shut her down. Her ex boyfriend caught on her attempt and acted as If I was the one trying to get with her? Idk pussy can altar a mans mind And added drugs into it.. Not good


    Is that what you told your wife? Did she actually believe it?

  2. This came up last night before I went to school. I figure I would of seen if anyone on cr might of had experience with this situation with collecting money through the court from scums like this. Instead I get the typical dooshbags bitching about grammar and spelling and assuming stupid shit not addressing the situation. Look at the time if these posts


    This came up last night before I went to school. I figure I would of wouldseensee if anyone on cr might of might havehad experience with this situation with remove unnecessary wordcollecting money through the court from scums like this. Instead I get the typical dooshbagsdouche bags bitching about grammar and spelling and assuming stupid shit not addressing the situation. Look at the time ifof these posts


    This is what I figure your papers look like when they come back from your teachers.

  3. So my mom called me to let me know a detective is looking for me. So I started counting my stones and checking twice to make sure I need to lawyer up. Well I called the detective and he informed me he caught the guy who jumped me a while like 4 months ago. I was talking to my wife, she was in the truck and this dude came around the front of my truck and asked who I was.. I told him my name and then he swung nun chucks at me.. I blocked it with my left arm but 1 stick hit me in the back of the head. I went to hit him and his boy came from the back of my truck with a wooden base ball bat so I threw the guy out of my way and ran to my brothers house about 5 houses down with these phaggots hot on my trail.. I ran inside and so happen we had a few friends there and we all grabbed weapons n shit and ran outside to find this kid and his friend busting out my brothers windows in his truck. We had a little stand off with me trying to get him to drop weapon and fight fair. They jumped in their car and left rather fast.. I didn't realize it at the time but my phone and keys to the vette fell out of my pockets.. The guy grabbed them um and proceeded to harass my family/friends n shit. Had all my bank info and other important shit. I made a police report and had many witnesses.. Well it turns out the kid was jealous because his ex gf liked me a lot and we was friends and he was on some heavy drugs during the time. He lived somewhere in Columbus but never lived in one place. I didn't know the guy at all but he was like 29.. Well he has like 6 accounts of armed robbery/BnE, some assault charges, domestic shit from beating his mom, gf's, I.d theft/fraud and then the shit against me added.. I learned this when I talked to her the other day. Now here's my question for ya guys. I want this phaggot to pay for this.. He stole my phone,keys to my truck,house,car. How would I go about getting all that money spent changing locks, new iPhone, harassment,pain and suffering, and emotional destress. My brother is getting him for busting his windows out and shit. What would you do?


    First and foremost, is there any way we here at Columbus Racing can convince you to take a remedial reading/writing course? It's painfull to read your posts due to the fact that you have no concept of grammer. Since I have relieved myself of that comment, I will happily answere your question...You don't. You move on and see the dude go to jail. You're not going to get any money from him since I would be willing to bet he has none to give. He will have a court appointed attorney and his family will come to see him driving thier beat up rusty Cavalier's.

  4. I went every single year as a kid when it was at the fairgrounds. I can't remember which building it was in, but it was huge. It was the Truck & Tractor pulls/Monster Truck show.


    That was the winternationals at the Expo center. I went every year for years. I always had a good time there.

  5. Where is the leak? If it's just where the compound is more porous and causing air to leak thru say the side wall, you can coat the inside of the tire with a concentrated dish soap and that will help with the leaking. Tubes can be a PIA on drag slicks. I have seen many of them where the tire moved a little on the rim and tore the valve stem causing the tire to be flat before the end of the run.
  6. Missed the part about sleeves, then I'd most certainly take your engine to Fowler.


    M&M.... I dont have anything good to say about them.


    I have not had any work done by M&M either but have seen some iffy stuff from there. Although that may have been exaggerated info from the person that had them do the work.

  7. I have not had the best experience with Flowler myself and have seen other people with less than happy results from them. Yes they make thier own rods and yes they build some wicked awesome 572 BBC's. However, it's been my experience that unless you're dropping 75k there they don't consider you a priority.
  8. This is going to end in a pile of bitching. JP if I were you I would set the rules closer to what dragweek does or maybe NMCA/NMRA/LSX Shootout true street rules.


    That way it takes the grey area away, people know where they stand, and you can seperate out via power adders vs NA.


    Quoted for truth. If it's more or less open and all you need is a 30-50 mile cruise I may as well save myself some trouble and go hang out with Dan for a few and give him my $100.

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