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Everything posted by M0nk3y

  1. I wish I lived in columbus...I want to get a baseline
  2. I wish I lived in columbus...I want to get a baseline
  3. +1 Depends on if you can power your way though that gear from a standstill as well. On all Auto BMWs, they start in 2nd gear in Drive. If you select 3rd. It'll downshift, select 2nd then upshift to 3rd ASAP. The engine just boggs down in 3rd so it never does 3rd from a standstill. Same happens in the Scion that I drive
  4. Of course not. We can share each others secrets of the trade :megusta:
  5. ohai this car looks slow. I need to drive this though, just to confirm
  6. Review: Chemical Guys Metal Wax Introduction: I've been lucky enough to get chosen by Autogeek to be the recipient of the Chemical Guys Metal Wax in their latest contest. Thanks Guys! With Chemical Guys growing and becoming a popular product on Autogeek shelves and my own garage, I was extremely interested to try this out. Product Claims: As said directly on the bottle: Details of product: Manufacture: Chemical Guys Bottle: Plastic w/Sprayer Size: 16oz Price: $18.99 Product Link: Chemical Guys Metal Wax Ultra Fine Metal Polish & Protection First Impressions: Upon receiving the bottle I noticed one distinct property that you also notice with the Chemical Guys Citrus Wash and Gloss. It's a suspended solution: http://img803.imageshack.us/img803/6889/dsc0004iz.jpg No worries though, just shake it and reveal a creamy green color: http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/6181/dsc0005sw.jpg Looking at the direction now, I noticed some odd wording: Ugh, panels of metal on a car? I don't know, at first it seemed like it was directions from a quick detailer bottle. Who knows, but it's time to actually test it out! The Test Subject: My 2007 Z4M Coupe. http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5691/dsc0001cv.jpg My exhaust tips are in fairly good condition, however I have some crud that always builds up at the end of the tips and bakes in there. I never was able to get rid of this without wire brushes and dedicated time. We'll see if this stuff actually works: http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/5881/dsc0002xro.jpg http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/8572/dsc0003yg.jpg Using the product: Going by what the instructions said, I applied the Wax/Polish and and simply buffed off the product with a microfiber towel. It didn't really work at all, the crud was still remaining there. I decided to further take the product and manipulate my own way. I decided to use Steel Wool #0000 and start rubbing away, again. This worked a lot better combined with the Wax/Polish and I started seeing the results I wanted. When the direction said wipe off immediately, they meant it. Letting the product dry just a but, which I did my mistake caused a great deal of pain. Just don't let it dry and you'll be fine. With everything said and done, the results: http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/4089/dsc0008yy.jpg http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/8053/dsc0010wk.jpg http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/8398/dsc0011dj.jpg Final Impressions: The Chemical Guys Metal Wax did a lot more than what I expected. For something that is intended to polish/wax in one step, it was quite easy to achieve the results that I wanted. On the outside of the tips, applying the Wax and wiping it off achieved a nice shine look to the tips with minimal work. There was no hazing at all with the application, and made life quite easy. I'd suggest though that if you have any oxidation or crud, use Steel Wool #0000 to help decrease the work-time and increase results. I will reserve my judgement until my test puts out the results I am hoping for. As of now though it's a good start! Personal Notes: I'd suggest you pick-up a nozzle to apply the product and pour it out. Using a sprayer for applying little amounts to exhaust tips didn't really work well. I found myself just spraying directly to the towel and applying from there. Extended Test: I wanted to see if my current method, using Wheel Wax Metal Polish and Poorboys Wheel Sealant would last longer than Chemical Guys Metal Wax, so here comes the test vehicle: http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1010/dsc0012hr.jpg Ewwww. Yep, that's my 05 Scion tC. My fun car is still in the garage, because it's too cold out. When it does get warmer, I'll update with the extend of protection. But for now, I wanted results...so this will do. The left side was my Wheel Wax Metal Polish and Poorboys Wheel Sealant and the right side of the exhaust tip was the Chemical Guys Metal Polish. I'll updated accordingly and let you know which does the best! Poorboys Wheel Sealant: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/9438/dsc0014yv.jpg Chemical Guys Metal Wax: http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/9864/dsc0016eu.jpg Thanks for reading!
  7. Yep, you'll see both. I was kinda disappointed that Subaru didn't have a WRX sedan there, I wanted to sit inside of one and really check it out. Considering getting one for a DD and winter car. :fuckyeah: Thanks <3 Thanks, that Boss was sick. The color was unique, but matched that car 100% Thanks
  8. Went to the Cleveland Auto Show tonight, nothing really major there...but anyways I strapped on the 35mm and took some shots. Crowds prevented me with much times for open shots, so I stuck it to angles and stuff I usually don't do. As always, any comments would help. My favorites: 1. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7043/6799281792_18df374009_b.jpg MazdaSpeed SM by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr 2. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7204/6799325664_6d40850517_b.jpg Audi R8 by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr 3. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7043/6799323082_b7778cda59_b.jpg F1 by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr 4. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7063/6799315846_4579f410fd_b.jpg Evo Engine by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr 5. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7188/6799337288_3deb3518e5_b.jpg CTS-V Engine by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr The rest of the set can be seen here: Thanks!
  9. Audi car was still under warranty, duh :dumb:
  10. This is a valid point, Kale isn't running on R-Comps this year. :dumb:
  11. http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/Watch+out+we+got+a+bad-ass+over+here+_308b0a7e5913e5f536a4fbc7b5eeb554.png I'm picking up my DSLR from home tonight. I didn't bring it down to campus during the winter because I don't like cold fingers
  12. Yea yea I know. I was spoiled with NORA's old lot, Northfield Park.
  13. I'm interested to find out what it is. Hopefully some elevation changes come into play.
  14. Bought my dad a MiniVault http://www.amazon.com/Gunvault-GV1000C-STD-Mini-Vault-Standard/dp/B001C601KA Bought it for like $70 when it was on sale at Fin Feather Fur in Ashland, OH Does the job, can't complain
  15. Sorry to hear dude. Losing a dog is never fun, it sucks.
  16. Awesome. Thanks. Hopefully see you there some date.
  17. I already Registered for April 14/15. I sent Liz an email, never got a response back so we will see. I'll be able to stay at a house in C-Bus overnight, so I'll be able to do both days now. For the volunteering training, is that just 1 day?
  18. I'd throw a dehumidifier down there if you're getting moisture problems. At least it will help you now until the problem is solved.
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