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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. I heard CamEEEEEEry's are quick! Especially compared to a "sports" car!
  2. Things less awkward than this thread.. PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING Related, since Mustang owners are involved :gabe:
  3. Articles like this always make me wonder what the Obamanauts would say about it if they could understand what it meant.
  4. Bumping this for cool story time. Guy walked into work today open carrying. Not a freak out was had by anyone and no cops were called. See, it can be done.
  5. Dayton was unscathed last year. Had power and A/C while sitting on my bum indoors. Listening to how bad Cbus got hit on the news and giggled.
  6. I was thinking about trying to do a Rally this year, and have a feeling this will be a good one to start with. Looks like a lot of fun, and it's close.
  7. When I was 17 I replaced a gas water heater. Still going strong today and I didn't have a clue of what I was doing. It's not that hard. Testicular fortitude will come in handy.
  8. Also, I'm amazed no one said "YOU JUST MADE WORLDSTAR BITCH!!!"
  9. If this isn't racist I don't know what is.
  10. Stumbled upon this. I've been tossing around the idea of visiting this historic site for a little while now. This little video and site just peaks my interest even more. Figured I would share for anyone else who can appreciate the "old days." "Once a symbol of industrial might and now ground zero for rustbelt blight, the Packard plant in Detroit has become an urban explorers' delight, graffiti artists' canvas, scrappers' cash in a city beleaguered by decay." http://www.freep.com/article/20121202/NEWS01/120814070
  11. Without this story, my day would not have been complete. Thank you for that.
  12. I'm 21, with a few thousand.. Someone show me the way? Long term, Roth IRA. It's what I'm doing and make a hefty deposit of my income monthly (for my age at least) into it... Short term, I have no clue. I was getting into flipping cars before I moved, made some decent money off of quick head gaskets, but other than that I know nothing else! Good luck!
  13. I'd come watch. Racing is a 50/50 shot. Long way home which equates to an expensive tow.
  14. In this thread.... Who knows anymore. Everyone is always all ruscled up.
  15. I wouldn't be. It was more an addition lol. In my age group this would be unheard of by 95% of people. Most wouldn't even know what to think it was.
  16. 1984 Saab 900 Turbo 100% stock http://i.imgur.com/5tigiKI.jpg 1949 Mercury Coupe This would have a motor swap along with a low ride height. http://i.imgur.com/iyGwJ6s.jpg
  17. Hoping to make it to the Holley LS Fest. Will definitely be a treat seeing this car make a few passes
  18. So you got butthurt enough to make a thread over all this? Do you really have nothing else to worry about in life? Or are you just that big of a bitch? If the first is the case, I really want your life, because I have bigger fish to fry. I mean being a little frustrated is one thing, but going this far is straight podadoe style. You sir, have ranked up with IMS2 on my chart.
  19. .254689/10 Would likely not recommend to a friend.
  20. Yes, it is. Almost any school I know of deems it as cheating. It must be "original" work. AKA only used one time and one time only. That being said, I have done it before, and didn't give a single shit. Just re-printed the saved file or copied off my own homework from before. I have a D-ring binder from every class I've ever taken along with the book. I do this for a lot of reasons, but won't go into that. You did the work, so I don't see anything morally wrong with it. Just like tuners re-using basemaps as a starting point, or re-working previous tunes they have done for a vehicle. It's only yourself you are hurting in the long run I guess. If you are confident in your knowledge of the material, then I see no issue.
  21. Mom- Dad-:fuckyeah: If I had cash floating around I'd be all over it. If it's still here in a week I'll throw you a solid offer. Maybe it will stick. Definitely a nice piece, and great craftsmanship.
  22. You can lead the horse to water.....
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