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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Hate to say it, but nothing can really compare to Minecraft. I played that stuff constantly before I got into DayZ.
  2. Just go get some more kerosene and matches. Problem solved!
  3. Might swing to HD but will be looking der-t. No use of washing when the rain can do it for free :dumb:
  4. Not saying I wouldn't be alarmed at first if someone walked into my store with a weapon on their side. But after a few seconds I'm sure I would be able to realize if they were there to take my money and potentially kill me, or if they were exercising a right.
  5. Maybe the store clerk was a total moron and cannot see that someone with a holster on their side calmly walking around the store isn't going to harm them? I've never robbed a store, but apparently the way they do it is run into the store and point the gun at someone and don't pull it out of a holster. Instead they have it tucked into their waistband. I think this is how they do it...
  6. Ignorance of the law isn't an excuse. If you want to go by this standard, I could walk out to the freeway and see cars going fast down the road, say they alarmed me, call the police and then they all would go through something similar, when in reality they all were going 65 MPH breaking no laws. I never read that he was waving the gun around, taking it out of it's holster, or anything like that. Simply had it on his side and went in to shop. I'd prefer to have someone with a gun on their side who isn't a criminal shopping in that store if I was an employee at that hour. All these ideas of someone being disorderly for simply having a gun on their side is insane. My grandpa and father told me stories of taking in 22's and 12 gauges into show and tell, everyone thought it was the coolest thing ever. Now if someone cuts a piece of paper into a gun they get suspended for a week and possibly expelled Our country is turning into a bunch of scared little babies. Everyone is a winner and gets a trophy in school. Last I checked everyone doesn't get that 6 figure job, everyone doesn't get accepted int that top tier college and not everyone gets the winning lotto ticket. Back in the olden days people would be stupid to travel without a gun, now we should rely on a police officer 10-15 minutes away to save us when the boogie man comes busting down our door.
  7. This is very close to where I lived at in Dayton. Maybe 10 minutes south. Actually the "supervisor" who responded is a complete dickhead, and it doesn't surprise me in the least how he acted. The department as a whole is filled with a lot of officers that don't ave a thorough understanding of the law, IIRC about two years ago a story broke in the Dayton Daily news about corruption involving the Riverside police department, including prostitution and drug trafficking. Any time I went thru Riverside I almost always got hassle for some of the most outrageous and made up things I've ever heard in my life. No surprise he was carrying there, I would too, that Speedway is sketchy as hell at night, along wit the area just to the west of that. Lot of white trash and druggies down there. Stebbins high school is just across the street, and it's pretty hood as well. I hope this guy gets all he can, maybe this will put an end to right's being infringed.
  9. I'm not trying to thread shit, but what I read out of this, is that the possibility is there to pay $20 and only have the model pose once with a car?
  10. Sounds like OEM filters would be a popular request.
  11. If you guys have hood struts for my car (1992 Supra) I'll come get some. At AutoZone we can't even get our hands on them :dumb:
  12. Things could have been much much worse. At first I thought all the shots breaking the windscreen were the assailant shooting into the vehicle, not the other way around. Glad this disgusting fuck was unable to take any lives, who knows what he had planned with the thing's found in his vehicle. Glad to hear your sister is okay, I can't imagine getting a phone call like that.
  13. Sadly about the only way to really piss people off...AKA get things corrected is to call them out in such a public manor. Hopefully you get this revised in a quick and easy way. Getting the run around isn't cool. Especially paying for 'A' and getting 'B' instead.
  14. My knee popped one time on the football field after a fat kid rolled into it. My ankle made a funky noise as well. Never been the same since. I'd say just go to a Doctor that is referred by someone on here and never look back. Better to just get it out of the way. Always regret not going somewhere right away and finding out the issue and getting it fixed. All this OSU talk involving medical professions make me very tempted to make a switch in majors. :gabe:
  15. Geeesammy

    Doggie Poo

    So you pay someone to spend maybe an hour or two a week close to $100 to pick up your dog shit? Go buy a pooper scooper from petsmart for $15 and throw it in the trash?
  16. Did you check this out? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=111793
  17. One does not get any more hipster than this...
  18. I was exaggerating slightly lol.
  19. Just get a 7M Mk3 Supra.... :dumb:
  20. One can only hope they do that. Last I heard two years back the county wouldn't allow it due to the area behind the sand trap being a flood zone. Who knows now though, they may allow it. It's sad that if you run a 12.x pass you are standing on the brakes to slow down. If they can get it lengthened then the track IMO would be one of the best around. Always love going there, and was always cool that a round track event was going on at the same time.
  21. Studying :dumb: chance it like me :lolguy: (This is why I'll have a 3.5 instead of a 4.0 :no:) I'll be at both. First Friday I've had off in months, plus the nice weather to boot :nod:
  22. The one that astounded me was the person on the crutches. Mainly that so many people drove past, while some of this is a relief knowing people are still willing to help one another, it's almost a shame seeing how few didn't stop to help
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