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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. I've got an '07 600 and love it. This would be a great first bike for someone that has some novice riding ability and wants a sport bike.. It's a clean bike!
  2. This is for a 76mm turbo. I did a quick search and didn't find any info on what kind of bearings were being utilized. From the way he makes it sound on there is that it would be $179 or so for customers purchasing a turbo kit from he already. I hate to say it, but if you already bought a turbo from him and used it on your current, I seriously doubt he will give you the "upgrade" price> Unless he is taking the old turbo's in and rebuilding them and selling them as used/re-manufactured. Just my $.02. http://www.ebay.com/itm/On-3-Performance-76mm-Turbo-Camaro-LS1-LS2-LS3-LS6-LSX-Camaro-Trans-Am-6-0l-5-3l-/140987705757?pt=Race_Car_Parts&hash=item20d385a99d&vxp=mtr Now that I'm thinking of it, I'm 99% sure he is a member on here. PM him and see what the deal is on these things. I'm sure he will be more than happy to help, especially someone somewhat local.
  3. Isn't he a sponsor or at least member on here? Maybe he can chime in with some of the "behind the scenes" of the turbo's. I was considering purchasing one of his, but then saw the price, and did a quick google search, and changed my mind. Not going further than that, if you want to know more, I'm sure a quick google search will yield similar results.
  4. A bit more info would help. What the car is being used for, power goals, streetability, budget, etc.
  5. Back in 2004-2006 my father went through something very similar with his sister and her husband. He was the PoA for my Aunt (his sister) and came to realize that my Uncle's children, specifically his daughter, transferred a large amount of money out of an account, and it was a figure much larger than the number's you have provided this far. She had a stroke and my uncle had dementia along with a few other mental issues. Pain medication, along with other medication was found missing, along with family heirlooms and very valuable jewelry. He never had to go Rambo, although he wanted to. I can say that he did a lot of "surveillance" with camera's in his free time. Get as much evidence YOU can. I know it sounds obvious, but literally stockpile as much info you can and walk into the situation of contacting Law Enforcement with your guns loaded and ready to be professional about it. That's what he did, and it ended up with the daughter being put into prison for a few years, and her husband being put in for awhile longer for unrelated charges as well. Not all the money was recovered, but it was enough that they could still live out their days comfortably. Not to mention getting a lot of things back that money simply couldn't buy. Why people choose to stoop to this low of a level is beyond me, I hope this all turns out for the best for you and your family.
  6. Just as the thread title says. Looking to get a Manual boost controller to replace my current one. Must be in working condition obviously, and I'm not trying to spend an arm and a leg. If you have an extra or old one laying around that should be good enough. Thanks, Grant
  7. :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy:
  8. If I was in the market with that to spend I'd go with a C5 no doubt. You have the most power out of the group, most all around potential IMO, along with DAT LOOK of the C5's. You can find performance parts fairly cheap for them now as well. I'm a big guy (6'6" 265lbs) and fit pretty comfortably in a C5's when I've driven them. As Cordell said, many parts are interchangeable and can be had for a reasonable price.
  9. If eating your parents food when you are young is a crime, I should be in a federal penitentiary for a long long time. Sammich's would disappear if you weren't at the table when the waitress brought it.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/L6Ok2yz.jpg
  11. Takes a lot of fab work. Trans tunnel needs cut, custom mounts. Lots of fun stuff.
  12. Yeah, definitely provoked a small feel. Badass wen the GTR rolled up! :fuckyeah: But he didn't launch it in the snow
  13. I like this as well. Unless you want to go Mk4 R32.....then do that
  14. Geeesammy


    Take whatever you think you'll spend on a vacation and double it, then you are at a realistic area of where you may end up at. That's what I've done before and it usually seems about spot on. $4,000-$6,000 on a trip the kids may love but not remember is insane. Even more insane is putting money you are paying interest on, into a saving's account that you aren't making enough money off of in interest to break even on it. Student loans, even government subsidized student loans are not cheap. I'm hoping it is at least a government loan, because they will at least give you the common courtesy of warning you and putting on a little lube. Private lenders are the devil's work and give even less of a fuck about the person asking for money. Just take them somewhere for a 4 day weekend or something. Use the money for stuff you actually need to pay for like, electric, water, gas, insurance and getting vehicles running properly so you can rely on them to take you to work to make money...
  15. Hola... Not super convinced on getting rid of it, but have been tossing around the idea...
  16. Geeesammy


    So you're using student loan money for a vacation? What's paying for school, financial aid?
  17. I bought a new HDTV and a few video games. Also a shitload of beer that summer and the rest went into the gas tank for cruising. This was in '10.
  18. I was gonna PM you about tuning it after I unhook the wastegate vacuum lines and take out the air filter. :gabe:
  19. Anyone want to run a '12 Cruze for five hunnit? If not fuck off you little bitch.
  20. One of the best I've heard in awhile. Long and very sad at parts, but felt like I should share it. "Zach Sobiech, at the age of 14, found out he had a rare form of terminal cancer. So he became a rock star, and millions of people got to see his music before he passed away on May 20, 2013. This is his beautiful story."
  21. Wish I woulda seen this post sooner. I would have been the second in there.
  22. G8 GT is up on my list of "Want to owns" so everyone keep these reviews coming
  23. Street Bob's.....Love 'Em :fa:
  24. Geeesammy


    Save the money Buster. Once you get back if you go, something will happen, and you will post on CR about an obscure car problem and need advice on what to do. I'm serious, and not trying to be a dick. Shit happens to people all the time like that. Put that money away for next year, and use that tax return.
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