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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. He is already working on that. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109994
  2. I say we make a poll, and the person with the most votes HAS to fuck her :masturboy:
  3. Since I haven't been around long. who is CR's, alcoholic, lonely, virgin? :gabe:
  4. Are we talking when we are sober or drunk? If she looks as good sober as beyonce does, ohshit.gif
  5. So the story's of epic fill being epic are true?
  6. No need to give info fill. Someone helped :gabe: I won't stoop to that level though, no one deserves to be belittled.
  7. I'm just fucking around. I made bad decisions. I'm learning from them just like anyone else. I'm not ashamed to admit I fucked up and was a slacking son of a bitch. Woking on my act. Keep on as you please fill. I go to sleep at the end of each day a better man than the night before. /soapbox
  8. Since what I put on the interwebz is the whole truth and nothing but the truth :gabe:
  9. Fill, let's hear the FILL STORY. Now that I've thrown all my laundry on the line. :gabe: we can have a "who is the most degenerate fuck of a dumbass" of CR. from the way it sounds ill be the winner hands down :lolguy:
  10. Can you elaborate for me? EDIT: I am lol'ing at how you said you didn't know me previously and still are judging me :lolguy: I guess I am lucky to be wearing unrustlable jimmies :gabe:
  11. So you know everything that was happening in my life at the time? Until you did you really can drop it now. Yeah, I did, do I tell you what to buy with your money? I got a bike before I ever even though of going back to school and decided to keep it because it's something I throughly enjoy. They may be, but many construction classes are in CE program requirements. I'm taking CMGT classes at cstate to get them out of the way. I really don't agree with you at all on this point. I would prefer my kids to have a better life than I had, and I think any good parent would say the same. I didn't know anyone at the time in Columbus so I wasn't going to go move onto campus. I'm judging his know it all attitude. Many times I have expressed my gratitude of his service, but not for his shenanigans.
  12. so the ball is now in your court to be judged. where are you at school? Columbus State. Would have been osu but I didn't meet the deadline for application. what are you studying? Construction management and civil engineerig. how did you afford your toys ( if thats what you call an old ass supra) ? I worked in construction 50-60 hours a week prior to moving to columbus and had money saved for a car, I was making payments on a trans am at the time. Made a big down payment on the bike with payments to have a running credit. what is this future and family life you speak of? It is the future family I am anticipating on having. are you married? No have you reproduced? No are you fat? No do you smell like the cheese dusting from an off brand cheeto? No do you still live mommy and daddy? My father is dead, I live with my mother until may when I move Onto campus.
  13. It's really not feel bad for me anything. It's just being honest. Can you tell me how you really feel?
  14. It's not a line of shit. I don't get my panties wet over it and don't get my jimmies all rustled either lol. I do care, but not enough to sit here and constantly talk shit about how my bike will beat him. He has a vette I don't. I'm sure if I decided to stay at my previous employer instead of deciding to make a better life for myself and future family by returning to school, I could buy a C6 as well. Instead I chose to work a low paying job and make an investment instead that will return more to my life than a Corvette. Flame me for that as well if you so like, but that was my choice. When I'm imstocks age or slightly above I'm certain ill be able to afford a nice car, but right now I'm working with what I got, which comes full circle to why I'm not sweating as much if I were to win or lose. I've got much less in my car than most of CR has in theirs. So given those facts, I'd say I'm doing decent.
  15. Double, Bcuz aids and I wasn't trolling with prior post.
  16. I have no issue running this government sponsored goon. Bike or car. Won't give two fucks when I win or lose. Just will be so proud to say I ran against this historical vette!
  17. Completely even more related. Not directed at any Corvette owner except yourself, because you are the only one who constantly swings his dick on it.
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