It's not a line of shit. I don't get my panties wet over it and don't get my jimmies all rustled either lol.
I do care, but not enough to sit here and constantly talk shit about how my bike will beat him. He has a vette I don't. I'm sure if I decided to stay at my previous employer instead of deciding to make a better life for myself and future family by returning to school, I could buy a C6 as well. Instead I chose to work a low paying job and make an investment instead that will return more to my life than a Corvette. Flame me for that as well if you so like, but that was my choice. When I'm imstocks age or slightly above I'm certain ill be able to afford a nice car, but right now I'm working with what I got, which comes full circle to why I'm not sweating as much if I were to win or lose. I've got much less in my car than most of CR has in theirs. So given those facts, I'd say I'm doing decent.