It's tons of fun! You'll get to act a fool, and be a better dad for it at the same time. It'll change ya for the better and remind you why you're driving to work in the snow.
My lady was totally cool pregnant, it was like a natural stabilizer. Have 'er take the vitamins for everybody's health.
Nothing will go according to plan. She wants a natural birth? Might not happen. Think you're having a girl? Nope, chuck testies. "Push!" like the movies? Not a chance.
You'll make like seven trips in for labor and be sent home at 2am. It's ok. You'll get your own 'nesting' thing going on, rush out and buy something, rearrange the furniture or some shit.
In the end though, you'll have a super cool little person, and little bits of you that've been lost to the grind will crop back up.
Don't worry about all the kid accessories and products and stuff. You'll figure it as you go, and less is more. We have a ton of shit that we used for like a week. Totally unnececsary. Bottle warmers, rocking swings, boppies and bumbos and various other made-up names.
Wing it.
Congratulations :thumbup: