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Everything posted by cybe

  1. x2, I'm interested in your input, since I plan to take the course under you. We know that the responsibility of exercising your 2a right requires a lifetime investment in continuing education. That can't be picked up in one day. But as an qualifying requirement, is 12 hours precisely the right amount of time? It seems like some folks beating the drum are forgetting that there's no law to prohibit, allow, or otherwise muck about with the right to carry open in public spaces so how far apart are the implications of concealed carry? 12 Hours?
  2. cybe

    m&p fun

    How was the stippling done? Looks good..for an m&p
  3. Got a smoker? Smoked bird is freakin' awesome.
  4. cybe

    WTB: Red dot

    Ultradot, Millet, Bushnell, etc. Also looking for a rail to fit Ruger Mark-series.
  5. 300 DPI is suggested for magazines, coupons, printed material like that. More for photographs printed for gallery display. A 60" x 20" print at 240 DPI would be a ~70 megapixel image if you wanted to go dot-for-dot. It's not neccesary to have this level of detail at that size. Canvas doesn't lend itself to super-fine detail viewing anyway so you'll be fine with a lower DPI. Since you're printing it yourself, try it out. Print a reasonable quality 5 megapixel image at 2' wide, see how it looks.
  6. I'm sure there are CIS out there for that model - it's basically just an adapted cartridge that has an external reservoir of ink: http://printink-bg.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/sistema-za-neprekasnato-podavane-na-mastilo.jpg Vinyl's usually used for wrapping or signage, you could turn a few jobs and let the machine pay for itself. Never seen a vinyl poster myself! I agree, gallery-wrap canvas prints are cool.
  7. You'll want to look into a 'CIS' continuous inking system, instead of cartridges and refills. You need to keep the machine printing often or it'll become a maintenance nighhtmare (it may already be.) Stretching canvas isn't a big deal. With the right solvent-based inks, you'll be able to print on vinyl (pvc actually). * I had a DesignJet, deprecated version of what you've got.
  8. yep, it's just a pretty golf. i'm not used to it and switch cars frequently, so sometimes i stab it with the key. derp. kessy rocks though, especially w/ armful of shit. we got a 2012 dealer showoff loaded type. still <7000 miles, ~35mpg life of car to date. three chunky-ass vw/audi keys on your keychain does suck though. wat 2.0L, 140 hp, TDI® Clean Diesel engine, 6-speed manual transmission 30/42 mpg 2.0L, 140 hp, TDI® Clean Diesel engine, 6-speed DSG® automatic with Tiptronic® and Sport mode 30/42 mpg
  9. You can if you have a DSG. Our VW TDI is excellent. If I could change one thing, it'd be the pushbutton start - but the motor and trans combo is outstanding. Which is shit, all we really want is a diesel quattro wagon. The fuck.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/rp1dY51.jpg?1 http://beccasheppard.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/kia-soul-hamster-1.png
  11. Post your games list so we can pick through it
  12. ^ mostly the motorola ones.. I've also got two Fascinates and a Charge available, believe I have docking stations for them all. $20 ea. Galaxy Nexus is spoken for now. Thanks
  13. What's the make/model of your PC? Maybe can update the BIOS.
  14. cybe

    Porsche 944

    Mini-update crosspost Injectors came back from rebuild, looking pretty nice: http://i.imgur.com/UvOMJ4m.jpg?1 Got those snugged into place http://i.imgur.com/JfEVCHw.jpg?1 Did a little plumbing http://i.imgur.com/ihw2NY9.jpg?1 and now i'm facing an electrical nightmare. I should've run some of this before putting the intake manifold back on, I'll probably hafta remove it. http://i.imgur.com/Q7OCUvp.jpg?1 Bonus points .. tell me what you see: http://i.imgur.com/zvXL5Gp.jpg?1
  15. None taken. That is unfortunate. I'm around Easton most days, and there's a Verizon store here. I'll flash it back to stock. The phone's in fine shape. Right? Never again.
  16. I've got a Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus with a bunch of extra shit for it. Giant ZeroLemon battery & cover, (http://amzn.to/1b6IjkS) OEM Extended battery and cover, (http://amzn.to/wRIsRg) OEM battery & cover, Rooted and ROM'd running 4.2.2. It's one of the most 'updatable' phones around. $50. 614-787-487one
  17. This is one of the reasons we are going through thousands of hard-drives at the bank. (Reimage = replace drive, archive the old one despite lack of key)
  18. cybe

    Clean vs dirty .22

    Fixed: http://i.imgur.com/aLyaAYM.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/IUgX1My.jpg?1 Patch is one inch square. Guess I squibbed it.
  19. cybe

    Clean vs dirty .22

    No, just shooting at LEPD. Not sure if I should take that as a compliment or if you suspect a limp wrist! Making progress cleaning it finally but I'll not be using that stuff again. I think a lot of rifle guys use it without much trouble. Suggestions for solvents besides breakfree and #9?
  20. cybe

    Clean vs dirty .22

    Turns out my barrel is horribly fouled from the shitty ammo. Can't get a brush through it after a long soak. Will never buy Remington again.
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