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Everything posted by cybe

  1. Mine is attached to a Toshiba smart-tv for this reason. The tv's gui is too lousy to use.
  2. We found Hulu to be a waste and stick to Netflix, Amazon, and the USB Media Player. Honestly I didn't find much else of interest - if you're really pressing for content, there are options, but pretty specialized. NASA Channel, etc. Guess I'm easily entertained.
  3. cybe

    T-Mobile users?

    Just ran speed tests on mine and the wife's S4. Hers is bone stock in an Otterbox, mine's all rommed up on KitKat nightly and caseless and we're both tapping out at ~.4Mbps down with a few bars of 4G. I'm inside 270 between Polaris and Easton. Fuck it, we're bailing out tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. cybe

    T-Mobile users?

    I switched from Verizon to Sprint, and there's really no excuse for how poor my data speeds are. (0.21mbps/0.08mpbs.) I'm thinking of switching out to T-Mobile. Are you satisfied? Got experience or a speedtest to share?
  5. Turned it off at the first commercial break, seems rubbish
  6. IT DOES. MOVE. My vote goes to the welfare SUVs.
  7. My assumption as well. Remote detonation device .. you mean the rifles? If it were a legit ordnance they'd have said 'pipe bombs' or something more hot-buttony.
  8. Be sure to try a good one, then. One of the dual-clutch variety.
  9. bad link, http://www.woot.com/
  10. The Denon appears to be a fine buy.
  11. http://edgeworkscreative.com/uploads/wp/DTVT-LOGO.jpg best goddamn socks on the planet.
  12. In this thread: People who believe they are correct, but are actually insane. Also in the thread: Grammatical error ratio inversely proportionate to logical virtue.
  13. http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fukushima_radiation_map.jpg
  14. I'll be fucked. That's exactly who snagged me at 270 / Cleveland for no front plate, and you'd have thought he was chasing a getaway car the way he blasted up to me at a goddamn stop light - it was completely unsafe and overkill for the situation.
  15. Vance's is selling CCI mini-mags for $10+/100. LEPD's got some oddball 9mm for $420+/1000.
  16. If you're gonna try it, use 3M Di-noc. I have a roll of some Oracal carbon-look product, and it's actually a metallized film - so you can't stretch/shrink it. Dinoc has a tactile pattern to it as well. Good stuff.
  17. http://i.imgur.com/qASwsHo.jpg Quattro LOL
  18. 1) unit is going into 'protect' caused by an external short 2) unit has a failed internal component, that resets/drains in the absence of power 3) unit anti-theft apparatus is activated by an intermittent connection
  19. Interesting. If you look on the franklin county auditor's site, I there's one in Linden but I haven't found the 'Forest Park' property.
  20. cybe


    Buds has Rock Island 1911 for under 350 shipped, I nabbed one. Still need brass
  21. cybe


    Can I get a B.
  22. cybe


    I've just acquired a Dillon XL650, it came setup to produce 45ACP (for which I have no brass or means of expending). I've got like 30lbs of speer bullets, a few hundred large primers, lbs of Unique. CR says: a) i'll trade my 9mm stuff for your 45 dies, casefeeder, shellplate etc b) i have some 45 brass you can have c) fuck you, buy a 1911 d) sell me boolits
  23. I bailed on Verizon after 13 years and went to Sprint. Big mistake. Don't do it.
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