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Everything posted by Dafunk13

  1. Not big on the CF everywhere, but I guess this car isn't aimed at me anyway.
  2. Option B. The bend won't hurt too much, provided you're working with enough diameter.
  3. Awesome. See you fellas at the next one.
  4. I drove by last night and was surprised at the turnout despite the shit weather. I had too much shit going on to stop, but it looked cool. How often they have get-togethers up there like that?
  5. I'm looking at a cam swap with similar specs and my tuner said the BTR duals would go "30-40k."
  6. Dafunk13

    New to CR

    I've seen you around a few times. Nice looking ride dude.
  7. Don't recall wheels and it was 90* so we both had windows down so no idea there. Did it sound like a rocketship? Is that how it goes around here?
  8. We shut down pretty early. I'm definitely not that guy willing to do 100 in a 45 either.
  9. Nothing lowly about an E55, my friend. Especially if it runs with a Viper trapping 125. He worked me pretty good.
  10. Yeah, definitely 3rd gen. The side-exit exhaust sounds knarly as shit.
  11. I'm the guy in the G8 you politely put in his place yesterday. Not often I get to hear a Viper at WOT. Curious if you're on here? Car sounds incredible.
  12. I don't think he's driving the car hard enough!
  13. You don't worry about shit floating around in the engine and wrecking bearings after you round out a lifter on the cam? That's my biggest fear with this AFM bullshit valvetrain I've still got. Beautiful car too.
  14. Nice! What's life going to be on the valvetrain? You're going to be replacing springs more often than spark plugs with that cam, but it will be oh-so worth it.
  15. I drove a Grand Prix for almost half a decade. How serious can I possibly be?
  16. No one driving a 4 cylinder Fusion "won" the game of cars.
  17. It's American and faster than anything European that costs within $20k...maybe 30k. Of COURSE he doesn't like it.
  18. All seasons are not snow tires...especially if they weren't kickass and very expensive. Obviously the fwd GP did better. I've driven a CTS and a G8, both rwd vehicles, one with quite a bit of power, for 7 years of winters with little issue. I've been stuck exactly 0 times. Again, you just need better tires. Your grandfather drove a 4000 rwd land yacht with no abs or traction control and made it work.
  19. You need better tires. I limp around a 400+ horse rwd fat sedan all winter long without any issue. If I have ground clearance I can get through it.
  20. If I find an applicants facebook page chock-full of pictures or comments of them being a general piece of shit I'll find some reason I didn't like their application enough to call for an interview. It's not as if I'm looking to make sure they're not a Buddhist or a homosexual. If I'm breaking laws come bolt me up. If you ask me that's the way of the world if you're going to advertise your whole life like so many people do.
  21. With a dog and pony show like that goddamn courtroom I certainly hope someone is pissed.
  22. Or with me Googling the shit out of your name and checking social media presence before I even bother calling you for an interview.
  23. Or a Jaguar that is exponentially slower while costing more.
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