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Everything posted by Dafunk13

  1. The condescending tone he takes with anything American just makes me want to smack him. Even worse, he's not funny. A rwd car with a crazy power/weight ratio is difficult to drive hard? Get outta Dodge!
  2. Something with a really knarly cammed big block. Probably a 65-69 Impala. If gas motors are that rare I want one that sounds like it runs on hellfire itself.
  3. Ever in Battle Creek MI? Pretty sure I remember that thing from back in the day.
  4. Friends' wife has hers in the shop for the second engine replacement in 30k. I drove it once and it was one of the most boring turds I've ever had the pleasure of driving. Not exactly stellar reviews.
  5. My lady runs and did the Cbus half. I thought it was pretty boring compared to the last few full marathons she ran (Cinci & DC). Maybe it's just because I live here, but there weren't nearly as many "characters" or things to see. If you want a fun run check out Washington DC. That was easily the best time I've ever had as a sports spectator.
  6. You win this game. If there is any justice in the world my previous car ended up spontaneously combusting somewhere.
  7. Which cam? I'm looking to cam mine soon, but I don't want to change the stall (it's my DD). Curious to see what you run, but I'd be super surprised if you crack 11's without DRs.
  8. Starner took care of me. Good dude and he did a great job. Thanks guys.
  9. Not sure, but I'm confident I'm at least 200-300 horsepower away from even considering this question. I'm making close to 400 and I limp it through winter easy enough. When touching the gas on a wet road sends me careening off to my fiery death I'll dial it back a bit.
  10. Title says it all. Just finished Meg's Gold Class and I'm curious what you guys recommend, preferably available in store somewhere.
  11. My mom has a loaded MKS and it drives like a tank. I hesitate to call the G8 nimble, but in comparison... I'd also like to at least drive a SHO to see how much better it feels being tossed around.
  12. Anyone recommend a place to change front lower control arms on my G8? Lots of places won't do it as I already have parts. Figured before I call around town for an hour I'd ask here. Also open to someone who does this on the side. I'm actually pretty sure I could do it in the driveway (all but the alignment) but I moved to a new place with a stone drive so I can't put it on stands safely. Appreciate any advice
  13. Almost the same? They're entirely different cars.
  14. Nice ride! A tune REALLY wakes them up. Trans is a spongy turd from the factory.
  15. Chiming another vote the theragcompany. I got a mixed handful of a bunch of their stuff last spring and haven't looked back. I never thought I would be excited about new towels, but they're incredible.
  16. I didn't see any noticeable power adding an X to my G8 but it did solve the rasp problems from installing longtubes and deleting cats. Smoothed it out big time and got rid of the harshness.
  17. "owned since '89." Uh... No you didn't.
  18. Same bumper even. Just rebadged. The G8 had an entirely different front end from its Holden counterpart (hood, fenders, bumper cover, etc.) but the new SS is pretty much unchanged. As for being overpriced, it's a 400+ horse rwd v8 powered sedan chock-full of gadgets. Name me 3 similarly priced competitors. The SRT cars are all I can think of. If I were in the market to replace my G8 I'd be first in line for one of these with the 6-speed and mag-ride.
  19. That is one sexy car. I'm another "keep 'em and powdercoat 'em" vote.
  20. Does it have AFM? My G8 took some playing with the setup to get the tone/volume I wanted without droning when DoD kicks in. It's kind of a pain. I went with a magnaflow midmuff (one with the x-pipe inside) and j-pipes welded out back before I was happy. Being catless doesn't help, I'm sure.
  21. Buckeye Muffler on Sullivant hooked me up last year. Nice guys and good prices. No complaints at all.
  22. Whatever makes traffic flow better. Literally anything. I'm even on board with systematically loading half of you into a gas chamber if it makes my commute go more smoothly.
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