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Everything posted by Dafunk13

  1. Same. I came looking for a simple mid-muffler "hack-n-replace" and they turned me down when they saw it was catless. I thought it was weird for a place that is so highly recommended among car people. Nice dudes though.
  2. Man this is my biggest fear. I've been chocking ramps with cinder blocks in a stone driveway for oil changes for a year and it still makes me nervous. Hard getting the wife to see benefit for pouring a concrete drive, but damn do I want one.
  3. Followed a red Ferrari with "Scuda" (or something like that) for a plate last week down 23 from Lewis Center to 270. Holy fuck it sounded knarly.
  4. Something tells me I wouldn't notice any aerodynamics lacking in the factory Vette. You just have to like this look, or be blind. Yuck.
  5. Remove completely? So someone banking billions in a lifetime will pay thousands of times the amount of you or I? We gotta draw a line there somewhere. SS should not be financed that disporpotionately by the rich IMO.
  6. I hear she was really hurting for it.
  7. Don't remember where I heard it, or maybe I made it up...Not sure. During the infancy of Tesla didn't Musk say the plan was to finance R&D and necessary infrastructure (giant battery factory, charging stations, etc.) on the back of the sales of the initial "luxury" car with the end goal being to produce an economical car for the masses? I thought that was the point of operating in the red all this time. All profit was reinvested into rolling this ball forward in anticipation of the release of this thing...right? Now he's got over a quarter-million pre-orders and can start making $$$ forreals.
  8. Fishy story, to put it mildly. Also, you're not shooting anything but an air rifle inside a Walmart. If true, this guy got shot for playing with a BB gun in his hotel room. All of a sudden I'm done cleaning my guns at a table in the back yard...strictly a garage job now. Yeesh.
  9. A good friend had a '99 for a DD through Michigan winters for 2 years. Never wrecked running all seasons and he drove like an asshole 99% of the time. Was a sweet truck aside from being cramped. He was 6'9 and I'm 6'2...not sure how he did it.
  10. You don't amass the kind of money Trump sits on without being neck deep in that shit already. You're being duped. He just stands on the other side of that briefcase. He admits it, and we somehow see some kind of honor in it?
  11. Nailed it. This idea that Trump is some outsider here to save America for us "Regular Joes" is mindblowingly stupid to me. The guy is the epitome of greed, opulence and our corrupt, unfair system. He's stands next to the Monopoly Man as the best damn caricatures of how this looks! "But he's here to fix it guys. With his brash, crass, insulting, substance-free talk, he's got this shit figured out." It'd be funny if it weren't so fucking embarrassing. Now more than ever, we should seize the chance to wreck the 2-party system. This isn't working for us and practically no one likes it. I'm not playing ball after swallowing turds for like 4 election cycles.
  12. This might have been true 30 years ago, but is not the case today. Lots of these dingleberries are from middle class families. It's easy to explain away by saying they're just poor and destitute with their backs to the walls and no hope, but that is not the case. We're facing an existential crisis here, not an economic one.
  13. Dude, a little empathy here... Terrorism or not, this happened here because of who this guy was and where he was from. He wasn't a direct victim, but he was very much targeted. That has to wreck a person. Four people attacked in a terrifying way due to someone targeting YOU. I feel horrible for the dude and can't judge his state of mind. I didn't mean to throw shade on his $ figure either, and I realize I came off that way. I had no idea he kept the lights on and paid employees while the disaster was cleaned up. Still, he bears responsibility for his decisions here. Lack of insurance, paying people who could have just as easily drawn unemployment benefits, etc. Owning a business in America ain't all sunshine and gumdrops, even after years of practice.
  14. I feel for the dude, but I'd be curious to see an itemized list of how this fiasco cost 100 G's.
  15. They got him to verbally agree to it. Which means jack shit, really, especially if they yank the rug out from under him in Cleveland. He's already casually mentioned riots if they do. If that ain't a veiled threat...lol. It's almost as funny as it is embarrassing.
  16. Hilarious. You think I'm a Bernie supporter based on a post about enjoying watching the GOP crumble? I can see how that might confuse some people. No welfare or Bernie support here cheech.
  17. My experience is with smaller commercial units, and they're not cheap. Like $350+, which I imagine you don't want to spend. I was thinking more along the lines of borrowing one somewhere. I'm no help there.
  18. Exactly. Matter of fact, this is precisely what the "establishment" has been outright asking for, starting with Romney's little pep-talk a couple weeks ago. There's no conspiracy theory there. Vote Rubio in FL, Kasich in OH, Cruz in TX, and with any luck Trump falls short of the delegate count and it goes to convention, where they will choose ANYONE but him. He will then run Independent, split the GOP down the middle, and hopefully we can all listen to that sweet, sweet swan song they've been marching headfirst towards for the last 30-some years. The Republican Party as we know it is on it's way out. You'll find me dancing on it's ashes.
  19. x2. When I was managing hotels we used one to get some of the most God-awful smells out of rooms.
  20. I don't really "get" the re-badge. You don't fool the people who know cars and the people who don't don't give a shit. I removed half of mine because IMO less is more when it comes to car styling. A bunch of glued on plastic bits look tacky to me, even from the factory.
  21. I'm running SS wheels, so 40mm. Is it really that easy?
  22. Looking to finally replace tired shocks/struts and want to shrink the wheel gap with some Tein springs while its apart. I know my rears will rub a bit when I do. Any of you fine folks recommend a place to roll them a bit?
  23. Dafunk13


    Are you cutting mortises for that rustic coffee table you're gonna sell as a kit? I can't tell how it's assembled. Nice work also. I do a little farting around but nothing worth showing off. I'll have to find some pics of some of my aquarium cabinets somewhere.
  24. Read books, work on the house, shoot guns, and drink a couple dozen gallons of bourbon. A lot like summer without all the speeding tickets.
  25. Charley at CSN Motorsports just did my new front end this summer. Excellent service and the quality of the work is outstanding.
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