Since this dude doesn't answer or return phone calls I'll post this here.
First, when someone sends you personal info about their vehicle and the insurance claim it's good practice to call them back to confirm the info was received. The point was so that you could get parts ordered and be ready to go when I dropped the car off. I had to line up things like rental cars, etc. and these things cost time and money. A phone call would go a long way to easing my anxieties about the whole thing.
Second, when you don't call me back to confirm the receipt of this info you should at least answer MY calls. I called 4 different times since the middle of last week, both the number you called me on AND the number of your shop (with no way to leave a message at either number). Again, I'm having to line up rental car, transportation after I drop my car off, etc. These things cost time and money.
Third, when I schedule an appointment with you to drop the car off at a certain time I expect you to honor it. I don't expect to miss 2 hours of work, inconvenience my lady to follow me down there in another vehicle, and schedule a rental just to have you stand me up.
I hate to leave a shitty review on here for all to see, but your lack of professionalism just cost me time and money and a good bit of frustration. I'm thinking I can find someone else to take my thousands of dollars. How this kind of behavior has gotten you the recommendations I saw here is baffling, but you just lost what could have been a loyal customer.