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Everything posted by Dafunk13

  1. I'm not getting suckered into your long-winded back and forth here. I've been lurking long enough to know your style. That antiquated bullshit expired over 10 years ago. And good riddance. More boogieman horseshit. Hell, crime has been on a decline for a long while. Should I chalk that up as being due to more guns? (I won't). Again, this is a cultural problem and banning guns won't help. When I was a 17 year old little cretin me and all my friends found pistols to play with pretty easily. https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-homicide/expanded_homicide_data_table_8_murder_victims_by_weapon_2009-2013.xls This is enough for me to know that banning the AR15 is going to have a negligible impact on murder rates. I also have enough personal experience with this kind of thing to know that to be true. I agree that we should be doing more research. I also agree that the NRA is mostly a shit organization and most times one of the biggest roadblocks to having pragmatic conversations about this stuff. If you think I'm one of "those guys" I can assure you I'm not.
  2. What research is needed? The FBI tracks murder by weapon, do they not? Less than 400 a year via rifle, let alone the more specific subset of the AR15, or even any semi-auto. This is a drop in the bucket. The fact that you even use the term "assault weapon" is ridiculous. What makes it an assault weapon? Because it looks scary? This is a shining example of the ignorance I'm talking about and terms like that only feed it. This is what happens when it's chosen as a boogieman to distract. Nothing more. They're not frustrated by lack of info. They're frustrated because no one really understands why this happens and we're all grasping at straws to explain it. It's a cultural problem. Banning a specific weapon won't solve it.
  3. Sure, but if by "sensible evolution" you mean throwing shade on "assault rifles" and pistol grips and 30 round magazines you'd be just as full of shit as they are. They've picked an easy target (the AR15, for example) to rile up an ignorant constituency rather than addressing real issues of mental health, lack of accountability for street sales, etc. Banning a particular gun or feature is hardly the answer to our problems. It's a scapegoat and a distraction from real issues.
  4. They're trying to raise awareness for an issue that they (and a lot of their constituents) feel is being swept under the rug by a Republican majority. Most Americans agree with background checks, etc...common sense legislation. And yet it's gone from the conversation as soon as the media frenzy surrounding the latest shooting fades. I agree it looks childish and silly, and it's sad that it has come to this, but I don't really fault them. Look at how the GOP has behaved in Congress for over half a decade.
  5. It's a Chevy SS with a slight facelift. Not that big.
  6. RWD LSx V8 sedan. Not a lot of non-Mopar competition. I'd buy it if I didn't already have one. Impala/Malibu are boring pieces of shit. I bet this thing, even beat to shit and bare bones, is a blast to drive hard.
  7. The couple guys I know with 500+whp both told me if they could do it again they'd just go F/I. You're talking knarly cam, deep sea compression and spinning it hard. Or you could just bolt on a blower and have WAY better street manners.
  8. Dafunk13


    x2. I always carved up a bar of irish spring into a small bowl and left that sitting. Some old car dude told me it was his secret and I never had mice in 4 years of the car sitting every winter.
  9. Not that it's any excuse for laziness, but the playing field is hardly as level as it once was. In the 50's and 60's it was common for dad to work 40 hours at his fairly low-skill job and be able to provide for his family. He had a nice house in a quiet neighborhood. His wife didn't work. She stayed home and raised kids. They bought a new car every few years. It was what earned us the reputation of being the "Land of Milk and Honey." If you were willing to get out of bed and earn a dollar, middle class luxury was almost assured. This is not the case anymore. Those jobs don't exist in the number necessary for that kind of lifestyle, at least not on that scale. I don't think people got more lazy. I think they've lost hope.
  10. My only thought... If the franchise learning center is such a slam dunk why aren't any of the other 15 franchisees racing you to open these 2 new ones? Just something to consider.
  11. Ask Israel how their mega-strict gun laws work at preventing Islamic terrorism. Stabbings, mowing people down with cars, etc. all seem to be pretty regular things there. This is despite strict gun bans, checkpoints, militarized police, and on and on. The problem here is not scary "military assault rifles," or even the ignorance of a public that falls for that shit, it is radical Islam, which we have no real answer for. Instead of pragmatic solutions to this we get the firearm scapegoats and bigotry, equal parts. We're fucking doomed.
  12. I only do it when I want people to see how cool I am. Showcases my sick reversing skills.
  13. Dafunk13

    R.I.P. Ali

    And he pretty much said this. If even 10% of the human race had that kind of courage we'd all be better off.
  14. J-pipe fix for sure.
  15. Not to jump between the wrestling match here, but your implying she must be on welfare, etc. sure sounded pretty racist. She's got 4 kids by the same dude...I'd say that already flies in the face of the stereotype you're trying to force this lady into. Between that and throwing around "liberal pussy" like you are you've painted a pretty ugly picture of yourself. But hey, you DGAF what anyone thinks, right?
  16. Love that revisionist history here. Luckily the thing went down recently enough that the declarations of succession are easily found online and not in cave paintings and it ain't that easy to rewrite history with this "states rights" bullshit.
  17. I'm a big fan of Menzerna polishes. I use the 4500 as an one-step and it's a miracle worker.
  18. Receiver processing issue. Movies are mastered to that shitty reference level (quiet talking, LOUD EXPLOSIONS) and most newer receivers have settings to counteract that, should you desire. My Denon calls it "dynamic volume" and it's awesome for just what you're complaining about. Turned off it sounds like a theater...speech is duplicated at a normal volume...explosions, etc. are duplicated at what would be their normal volume...loud. With it turned on you hear it all at a reasonable volume. More speakers probably won't help. The movie itself has these levels encoding into the disc/file. It's up to your receiver to duplicate (or in this case, redistribute) the stuff according to speaker number, size, placement, etc.
  19. Flex. But I recommend a DA like the Porter Cable for a rookie. It's slower, but you won't hologram your shit with it.
  20. Too bad about the color. Looks sharp otherwise.
  21. They bite? Damn...I've been telling the wife to stop being so dramatic whenever she spots one in the basement. I quote: "they don't even bite they're just creepy looking".
  22. I'd check impedance on the speakers first. That thing you linked only pushes 20w at 2ohms. Typical home theater speaker is 6ohm. It'll be very gutless and very shitty sounding. Better off scoring a cheap 2 channel receiver from CL for $50. I get that it's big and ugly, but you can hide it somewhere, and anything of equal power and SQ in a small package will cost some $$. It's the actual amp you're really paying for, not any kind of processing.
  23. I used to manage budget hotels and ozone generators can work some magic. They're pricey, so I'd look to borrow or rent one. I know the one we used for rooms was the size of a shoebox and cost $500+. But a day or so with one running would get out the most nightmarish smells. I'm talking shit that'll give a dude PTSD for decades.
  24. I had Conti DWS on my gen1 CTS for a few years...thought they were amazing, mostly because the shit they replaced was so bad. They did grip pretty good and wear was decent. I still vote summer rubber. I'll never go back to trying to have real fun on all-seasons. It's night and day IMO.
  25. Right. Everyone with a grow op needs to worry about some Breaking Bad style murder spree. Forreals?
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