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Everything posted by Dafunk13

  1. Clearly not. My first pissing match with you turds is about how awesome a $40,000 VW Golf or Ford Focus is or isn't. If this is a personal thing for you by all means ignore me on here. I'm not interesting in a tiff with some dude who got rubbed the wrong way by something I said on a forum I've been bullshitting on for like 8 years. If it makes you feel any better I have no clue who you are and no memory of threatening you over the internet. I'm hardly some e-thug threatening people if that's what you're implying for your pals here. If you're that worked up about it I suggest developing a drinking problem like the rest of us. As for my internet ego...I said I didn't get the point of a 40k hot hatch as I always thought the point was that they were cheap and fun to drive. Now they're not cheap and I'd rather drive something else. Nothing more. Where that equates being gangsta or banging bitches or smoking buds I'm not sure.
  2. Sorry meant "my" G8, not one in factory trim. And as I said, I used my personal DD as an example because it was relatively expensive for a 4 year old used car. You gotta pay to play. I didn't use it as an example because I would compare it to a 300 horse awd shoebox on wheels that cost $40k. Hence my quip about the "value" of said super-quick shoebox on wheels compared to a Camry. My G8 is heavy, slow to react and is missing all kinds of creature comforts you can get on even a base Focus, but its comfortable and dead-sexy and I'm faster than 98% of the cars on the road with a stereo that melts faces and an exhaust note that makes your girlfriend moist. You're awful defensive about a car you don't own. You plan to freak on everyone who thinks $40k on a hot hatch is retarded? Don't get me wrong, it's a cool car. I was worried the days of 400+ hp daily drivers were coming to an end for all but the rich. Cars like this prove me wrong.
  3. "Out Perform?" Maybe in the twisties. I've driven a GTI and a couple STIs so I'm familiar with how fun they can be. I didn't buy a tiny little econobox for a variety of reasons. I bought a big fat sedan with a big V8. Sorta apples and oranges there Friend. How many Golf Rs do you see out and about? I've never seen one on the street. How rare are new STIs? 10 years ago you couldn't find a better performance car for $30k than the STI/Evo. Now a V6 Camry runs a 14 second quarter. The value isn't as strong as it once was, which is why these are considered "niche" vehicles. If they sell more than 4,000 of the Ford or the Golf R in a year I'll eat shit. Contrast that with something like the FR-S or the Mustang or a WRX (cars actually affordable to the segment of buyers targeted) that have sold like hotcakes. Call me wrong, but I'll let sales numbers speak for me.
  4. Dafunk13


    You can certainly find center speakers individually. That's what you want, not a soundbar.
  5. Drop in the bucket compared to the scope of legalizing it nationwide. Imagine all the non-violent drug offenders no longer being arrested, tried and put in jails...Prison is big business, whether private owned or otherwise. Some of the largest forces lobbying against the momentum we're seeing?...Big pharma and prison-related unions. Putting people in cages might just be more profitable than taxing weed. Probably so. I vote legalize freedom. Whether you smoke or you don't, legalizing weed has no real negative effects to be seen. The "experiments" in Colorado and Washington have served us well so far. Before that it was entire countries Brazil, Columbia and Argentina (among others) who have shown us that maybe legalizing it and focusing all that $$$ and effort on helping addicts is the way to go.
  6. I get that cars are expensive now. I paid a premium for the G8. Those cars listed are not at all in line with the kind of cars that appeal to the "hot hatch" crowd though. I see spending 25k on a FRS, or 35 on a Mustang/Camaro. Those cars sell like crazy at those prices. The point of the segment the Golf claims to inhabit is (was?) performance on a budget in a car that can still be utilitarian. Not every "driver" wants a Miata. What 35-40K car buyers are considering this thing? IMO it's all internet buzz. They won't sell.
  7. You can now hunt with a rifle, but even then a can is only allowing you to shoot without hearing protection, and I never wore any hunting anyway. I can tolerate a single bang. A suppressor makes no where near the "pew pew" sound Hollywood would have you believe unless you're talking .22lr. And there is no "silencer" for a shotgun like you saw in that movie. There is no was to quiet a load that large to any meaningful level.
  8. The price ruins the point of a "hot hatch" to me (not that I'm interested in one either way.) I always assumed the idea of one came from being a cheap and quick toy with some cargo capability. This usually means fwd, some corner cut on quality (cheapo interiors mostly), and a bit of focus on handling and driver feel. This is just an expensive, relatively fast small car. We're talking Bimmer money now. Color me "not excited."
  9. Not real sure. So you can shoot the rifle with no hearing protection, I guess. Either way, I agree we need to make the tax stamp process a little more friendly/economical first. I'd love a can but its just not worth the money or effort to me right now.
  10. Dafunk13

    Gentle giant

    Those Boston Tea Party folks should've read Atlas Shrugged too. lol. Christ.
  11. I bet it handles like you've got a fat girl glued to the hood.
  12. I'm running Hankook 275s on Camaro SS wheels and I rub on big bumps if I'm loaded up at stock height. Not enough to hurt the tires, but enough to make noise and get my attention. Pretty sure the SS wheels are +40 out back. Definitely don't want to gouge $300 a piece rubber next year thanks to a fat friend.
  13. Are you an asshole? Wear a bowtie.
  14. Awesome. Planning to lower the G8 with some suspension work come spring and I know I'll rub out back if I don't roll.
  15. This is why you get an attorney. Can I stop a cop from searching the car? Nope. But my lawyer will have a field day with the illegal search. I have nothing to hide and I'll still be damned if I'm letting some stranger, cop or not, rifle through my shit to satisfy his curiosity or power-lust.
  16. Better steal it quietly if they'd like to avoid a bullet wound.
  17. G8. It lacks a whole lot of the refinement of some of the stuff on your list, but since your list is all over the place (c55 or a Vette?) give one a go. I love mine.
  18. Dafunk13


    Not to punch me in the face I hope? Dafunk on clubgp is a bit more abrasive than I'll be on here. That place became a way to pass time at work so I probably talk more shit than you'll see here. This should be a way to connect to some car people in a world full of soccer moms in minivans who do 4 under the limit and old dudes with Corvettes who won't see north of 2500 RPMS. Car is not lowered yet. I'm waiting for next year to do struts, springs and probably some poly bits and pieces. And brakes. It could definitely use it! The L76 is pretty much an ls2 bottom with an ls3 top (heads/intake) and a horrible neutered bastard of a valvetrain/cam. A DoD delete and a real cam will be in the future, but probably not until I actually own the thing, which is a few years out yet.
  19. Dafunk13


    My name is Brandon. I live in Columbus, OH and heard about this place from a local on G8board. I drive a 2008 G8 GT with a handful of your standard bolt-ons. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l263/fukaol13/IMAG0183_zpsd7090261.jpg
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