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Posts posted by aussiek2000

  1. Yeah, only pussies bitch online about how they feel about politics. The biggest pussies actually get off their asses and go out and exercise their rights to actually make a difference.


    Pretty sure USA Today is fake news anyway.


    *Insert epic eye roll*


    Other than protesting makes absolutely no difference at all. President Trump isn't going to just say "OK, you win, I'm not going to be the president anymore."

  2. In the door. There should be a sensor to tell the window to stop when it is all the way up or down if you have the auto window feature.


    thats not how the auto feature works. It goes by amperage draw.

  3. Joe Nails it with this. If this passes this is all it brings to the table. College Campuses are usually well patrolled and already pretty secure. The most recent incident actually lasted barely longer than a minute from the first stabbing to the shot that killed the assailant, you aren't really going to improve that response time. Granted there were other factors here like fire department being onsite at the time of the incident but Police patrol of college campuses is already high and response time is pretty great (most campuses have police stations in close proximity as well, OSU has one on campus one block south of Lane ave on Kenny Rd).


    There is literally no real value to students, faculty, or visitors by allowing CCW on a college campus, the value is all to the politicians who can grandstand by making this look like they are doing something when they are not.


    College campuses are concentrated populations where accidents and carelessness can magnify the tragedy. They are also populations that are extremely susceptible to suicide (most of the top tier colleges track higher than the national average) so it is not an "ideal" environment to introduce risks that track higher along those metrics like possession of a firearm.


    I just don't think the false sense of safety is worth the extra risk.


    Link me at least 3 stories where a CCW holder caused more harm by responding to a threat than to let an attacker go on. I'll wait.

  4. I'm more.curious of the resale value. I mean I have a beater X5 which was hot in 01, but now it's an electrical nightmare. Where will all these touchscreens be, or digital dashboards...or Tesla batteries.


    I'm already seeing a lot of touchscreen issues in cars still under warranty. I Don't even want to see what the parts prices jump to when warranty runs up.

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