It was a mistake that members were able to see who gave rep to begin with. You can stop using the site if you like, or keep using it free without complaining. Your pick. Don't mean to sound like an ass, but I get sick of people complaining about a free website that I run for shits and giggles. This site isn't about making money. If it were it'd be loaded with ads.
The T30 doesn't have as great reviews in the wet, and is discontinued. Even on closeout, they're only $50 cheaper per set than the PR4.
The Angels are on my list, but also not much cheaper than the PR4.
Anyone have any experience with the Angels?
You're talking about 84 HP vs 144 HP. I don't doubt they were great for the 599, but they were scary on the ZX10. Accelerating out of a turn too quickly led to slipping. That's not my favorite feeling in the world to say the least. The Daytona has 125 HP. I don't think they'd be great on it either. I currently have Diablo Super Corsa SP's on it, and they're terrifying in the wet/cold. Phenomenal in the hot/dry though.
I had BT016s on the ZX10 for the trip out west. Great mileage, poor grip.
I was a huge fan of the Dunlop Qualifiers but they're gone now. Looking at the Dunlop Q3 and Pirelli Angel, and looking for recommendations for other tires to consider. I'm more concerned with wet/dry/cold grip than mileage.
Also, truck and trailer, take turns driving through the night. Much better than staying a night in the Midwest. There is nothing worth seeing between here and there without a major detour. Oh, and Kansas just completely sucks.
That's a 24~ hour span. Totally normal for Ohio in March. Today it went from kinda warm, sunny, and breezy to crazy wind and rainy, to hail, to snow in like 2-4 hours. Today was odd, even by Ohio standards.