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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Casper


    I don’t like supporting things people don’t use. Tonik, you should understand that as a Windows server admin. 😂
  2. Thought about changing it to butthurter.
  3. Casper


    They’ve been disabled for a while. Nobody used it.
  4. Beautiful weather. Not a drop of rain yet.
  5. I think I was 28 or 29. 4700 in 10 days, 2 of those days we didn’t ride (1 in Gateway and 1 in Santa Fe). It was a lot of fun. You guys are going to have a blast.
  6. I wish I’d trailered. Totally will next time. The states between here and Colorado suuuuuuck.
  7. That’s a whole lot of stuff. Here’s how I packed for close to the same trip:
  8. A few of us are riding SEO this weekend. @marlboro man and I are heading to his fishing shack in Beverly tonight and riding most the day tomorrow. Probably head out around 10am tomorrow, pending weather. It’s probably going to rain, but if tomorrow is anything like today, it’ll be beautiful in between rain storms. If you’re interested, post up and we’ll figure out meeting spot. @JustinNck1 is meeting up with us in the morning, and I think @KZ Kari is also.
  9. Casper


    If it’s not storms and not the whole day I probably will.
  10. Casper


    Looking like shitty weather this weekend. Blah.
  11. Casper


    You’re of course welcome to join. I’ll probably post up a thread tonight about it.
  12. Casper


    Throw that bike of yours on the trailer and come down to SEO this weekend. @max power and I are riding. Not sure who else.
  13. Nothing to fix. Go to your purchases and renew. https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/clients/purchases/
  14. Casper


    I didn’t. That was the problem. Remember?
  15. I thought I got rid of that.
  16. https://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/shell-advance-15w-50-motorcycle-oil-1-litre-550037980/11438356-P You can check the local inventory online. Bike came with the side cases. For roll up bags, check out my review of the Kreiga stuff:
  17. Accessories from Ducati are very reasonably priced for the most part. For quick antidotal evidence, just look at the billet front brake reservoirs. $95 for Triumph, $75 for Ducati. The tank bag is another one, $140 Ducati and $165 Triumph. Of course there are the obvious "WTF?" items like exhaust. Ducati must be smoking some good shit. I'm more worried about replacing broken parts later. A lot more electronics and expensive parts on the Ducati. For what I'm looking for, the Ducati part is actually cheaper than even most aftermarket options (high navigation mount). There's a cheaper option from SW-Moto but it seems to have issues with vibrations and is only $20 cheaper. Also, I like the stock top case. I have a matching lock tumbler or whatever so I can stay with one key for all luggage. And the price isn't horrible for OEM luggage. On par with most of the other manufacturers. Advance Auto Parts carries it.
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