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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Damn. Glad you're alive and not paralyzed. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  2. I think the additional info line can cover that if people want to include that info.
  3. Per suggestion from @what, I've added an emergency contact section to profiles. Completely optional. Only viewable by mods/admins. I don't think I have to explain why this could be extremely useful. Consists of contact name, contact number, and additional info. For instance, I put Carie, her mobile number, and that I'm diabetic. In the event of an emergency, anyone can reach out to a mod/admin with information who can then reach out to the emergency contact. Right now this can be done via thread, PM, whatever. I will soon have another option ready. You can edit yours by visiting your profile and clicking the edit button. You may also see a banner at the top of each page reminding you to complete your profile. Clicking through that should work as well.
  4. Just like a fine wine, Porter gets better with age.
  5. https://thehardtimes.net/culture/harley-davidson-hopes-to-court-millennials-with-new-fixed-gear-motorcycle/ 😂
  6. I want to do an Iron Butt. I’ve talked about it for years.
  7. Dropped it off at the dealer for the Brembo front brake recall. Blah.
  8. What about Boorman riding a Triumph and McGregor a MotoGuzzi, since they have sponsorships with this companies?
  9. Looks like it. https://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news-general-news/‘long-way-will-happen’-says-boorman
  10. https://m.facebook.com/events/226692437984182 Saw this on Facebook and figured I’d share. They’re meeting at Iron Pony at 11:30am on Sunday (08/12/2018) and riding down to Ribbers in Portsmouth.
  11. It’s not bad at all. I try to do mine annually. Bought a hand vac like Tonik posted above, and made it sooo much easier/faster. And I don’t need my wife to help anymore.
  12. Unfortunately, here’s Ohio State’s Title IX definition of domestic violence: From: http://titleix.osu.edu/sidebar-resources/what-is-title-ix/definitions.html It’s also in their sexual misconduct policy: https://hr.osu.edu/wp-content/uploads/policy115.pdf Title IX includes manadatory reporting per OSU's policy: That’s the issue at hand as I understand it. Urban told the media he knew nothing about the allegations until moments before a press conference. Now it’s coming to light he probably knew since his wife definitely did, and he probably didn’t report it. If he did, I sure hope he has a paper trail.
  13. Wasn’t Zach Smith fired because he got into trouble due to violating a protection order his wife/ex had against him? In this case, Urban is in trouble with Title IX. If he knew of allegations against Zach Smith, he must say something. However, as I understand it, the police investigated and didn’t charge him. So now the question becomes if Urban did know, but also knew the police were involved, did he have an obligation to do anything? It still looks bad if he knew but told the media he didn’t. That makes it look like he’s hiding/covering something. Either way, this isn’t sexually abusing children for decades. The Penn State and Michigan fans laughing and comparing this to Penn State on FB is repulsive.
  14. Welp, that sucks. https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2018/08/94791/ohio-state-places-coach-urban-meyer-on-paid-administrative-leave
  15. https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/report-urban-meyer-knew-about-2015-domestic-violence-incident-involving-ex-assistant/ Uh oh.
  16. Casper

    Saturday 8-4 ride

    I might be able to swing this.
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