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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I bet @Hwilli and @OsuMj could take in another cat.
  2. OR winter edition is officially opened for everyone’s trolling enjoyment.
  3. Might as well be with the torture I put my liver through...
  4. No leg. Leg didn’t make it to the hospital.
  5. He made it and is in good spirits. We got pics of him smiling at the hospital. Thanks.
  6. Hey, and just in time! I messed up my back today... get this... by sitting in my chair! Years of treating my body like shit are catching up to me. My son just had to help me walk over to the couch. Awesome.
  7. I’m never shaking hands with you again, just in case.
  8. Got the top box in the mail yesterday. Installed it last night. Now I’m full on old man bike.
  9. Anyone happen to know who had a nasty accident on Powell Rd at 23 yesterday? Life flighted. Red Yamaha, looks like an FZ-07. A buddy was one of the first on scene and looking to see if the guy made it.
  10. I think the tech that will come out of this will be very cool.
  11. Casper

    Maid Service

    That's what I was thinking. Definitely not having luxury items like motorcycles making $10/hr.
  12. Ouch. That sucks man. Sorry to hear.
  13. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/EvenEvilBrahmancow-mobile.mp4
  14. I’m planning on going October 12-15. I’ll probably leave the 11th and take two days. I have a few places I want to check out as options for next year’s OR trip. Anyone interested in joining?
  15. I’m planning on going October 12-15. I’ll probably leave the 11th and take two days. I have two places I need to check out as options for next year’s OR trip. I’ll post a new thread for it in case you all decide on a different weekend.
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