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Everything posted by owndjoo

  1. yea that's been out for a lil bit. it's pretty sweet software.
  2. sweet. Hopefully it doesn't need any work other than the re-bluing. found rounds for 14.95 per 50rd box. this thing is gonna be fun
  3. how much was the reblue? i'm going to have him do a complete once over on it and then hot blue the whole thing.
  4. actually, just found out that Jim is an old family friend! small world. Time to get this thing shootin ready
  5. found a phone number from another forum. i'll see if he's still in the area
  6. lol, been on here since high school, back when i was drag racing and building DSM's... haha
  7. perfect, i live in centerburg. i'm sure people here know him. I'm really considering re-bluing it, as someone has taken some steel wool to it it appears. hell of a collector and i will def. be shooting it as well. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a314/owndjoo/mauserleft.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a314/owndjoo/mauserright.jpg
  8. I just purchased a Mauser c96 Broomhandle and am looking to take it to a good gunsmith to make sure it's in good working order. anyone know any good local mauser smiths?
  9. owndjoo

    my new mauser

    yes, they used a mauser for the blaster.
  10. owndjoo

    my new mauser

    i dont know of anyone. this is actually my first collector other than a nice shotgun that i inherited. that's a nice rifle though
  11. owndjoo

    my new mauser

    got er for $500 plus sales tax... it's not perfect, but is still well oiled and very smooth operating. i'm considering getting it reblued to a like new state.
  12. owndjoo

    my new mauser

    just so happened to peek while my mom was lookin at auction photos from the weekly auction she goes to. spotted a colt .32 and a mauser c96. went to the auction today and picked up the mauser. I think I got a pretty good buy on this one. now i just need some 7.63(7.62)x25 ammo and a few stripper clips.
  13. owndjoo

    auction time

    So i'm going to be headed to a weekly auction with the mom tomorrow. Found out there will be a Colt .32 Army Special/Police Special in Nickel and a Mauser C-96 "Broomhandle" there as well. I'll let ya'll know what they go for, I'm hopin to bring atleast one of them home.
  14. elbows aren't that big of a deal... haha. now scuff your helmet at grattan T1 and then we can talk... lol. I used to reach for it like in this picture. Now I just carry so much more corner speed that i'm actually accidentally dragging them now.
  15. i think it's kinda funny myself. that's part of being a cop, notice how they just shot the shit like old pals.
  16. i'll be there thurs-sunday with the RV. working spec tire control
  17. yea, i was plannin on comin up and kickin it for some STT days and park the RV. luckily I only work 8-11am on racedays
  18. Carbbone Lorraine? or however it's spelled? That was my first thought but then SBS popped into my head. I'm a vesrah junkie as you know. You gonna be at mid-o AMA weekend? I'm working as a Tire Official for the weekend
  19. they are good suits. i've got the silver/white/black. first race in the new suit took a 120mph highside into an armco wall and the suit held up perfectly. it's actually a good deal lighter than my other suit and doesn't have as much padding.
  20. Vesrah RJL's for sure. All i've ever ran and the top guys run those or the SRJL's for the super bite. I believe the one's that brian was using were the SBS pads... but like he said it was a bad batch. Robby Jensen had the same issues with them. Get the vesrahs and some Spiegler brake lines and real nice fluid. I run the Castrol SRF fluid
  21. not true, if the FBI wants to take over, they take over.
  22. the thing is that the ambulance was NOT running emergency, aka sirens/lights. The ambulance did not yield to the officer, which obviously the car in front of the ambulance did. the EMT did assault the officer, you can not gesture toward or actually make contact with an officer, which is what the EMT did. The officer may have gotten a little heated, but the EMT had an attitude with him.
  23. that 22 pistol... very nice!
  24. it's the god's way of saying fuck shinko
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