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Everything posted by John

  1. they found one in new albany as well, and a couple others in fairfield co. in NA the police staked it out, and arrested the guy when he came to retrieve it. FYI the bank will notify you if your information has been compromised. if you do find a skimmer, there is usually a number on the ATM that says for emergencies or whatnot. call it. or call the bank's 1-800 number. if the person on the other end does not seem to be taking the problem seriously or doesnt know what to do, just ask to speak to fraud or security departments. this kind of stuff really sets off red flags when it gets reported and they WILL look into it. unfortunately, the cops will often say "well, what do you want us to do with it?" when they get called amazingly enough, NAPD had the right idea and caught the guy.
  2. lol are people really advocating the use of nuclear weapons in iran? seriously? does anyone honestly think that they would just let that slide? that there wouldnt be any retaliation? they would not rest until an american city has been taken out by an islamic device.
  3. whats up with aaron? i havent seen that dude post on here in a minute.
  4. thats not how i read it. i read it as he only has a problem with the stupid ones.
  5. lol you guys are so silly... take a look at where the event actually happens. its 40 miles outside of detroit. its not like its on 8 mile... hell, its not even in wayne county. its in oakland county, which is one of the WEALTHIEST COUNTIES in america. oakland county is definitely NOT hood. the event takes place in a little town called commerce, MI, which is just north of novi, and about 10 miles west of bloomfield. bloomfield is one of the richest cities in america too. about half the homes there are over a million dollars, and the median income is like 200K per year. this is like the new albany of detroit. tl;dr the event is not in the hood. not even close, and is probably worth a visit.
  6. are you kidding? new york has the lowest crime rate of large cities in the USA. this isnt the 80s any more. yes, there are still some shady parts, just like there are in any large city... but by and large, NYC is very safe.
  7. its his own fault for not checking the reciprocity laws. sucks for him. ignorance of the law is no excuse.
  8. John

    Anyone a notary?

    any bank or car dealership will have a notary on hand. that said, i really doubt a notary is going to risk their commission, or worse, by illegally notarizing your title without the seller present. for all they know you stole the bike and the title and filled out their information. go find the seller, take him with you to the bank, get it notarized. don't ask people to break the law for you to cover your screw up.
  9. so you don't see any problem with doing business like this then?
  10. John

    Da*n It!!

    you know, you can say damn here... its okay.
  11. yup. if you're going on a trip or something, IMO zip tie the new cable along the old cable. this way its already routed and everything. if the old one breaks, you can make the switch fairly quickly.
  12. yeah once they get called, they gotta do what they gotta do. the point is the hikers are morons for calling in the first place.
  13. lol keeping them against their will. that is total BS. the cops could have EASILY left at any time. there is no fucking way that a group of unarmed kids sitting on the ground, can keep a group of trained and armed police officers captive. its just not happening and you and i both know it. the "oh we felt like were were being held captive" is just the BS justification they give for what they did. sorta like when a cop knows he has no PC to search a car so he says "oh sure smells like weed in here" and does it anyway. its just BS you give to justify your shitty actions. the other part you posted earlier about cops are forced to make split second decisions. you're absolutely correct about that. however that doesnt seem to relate to this. its not like this was a split second decision in the midst of a fight or something. the dude casually sauntered up and did it like it aint no thing.
  14. good point about on the reasonable officer vs person... still its already been ruled as excessive to use pepper spray on non violent protesters. the protestors were sitting peacefully, were easily moved by the police, and did not threaten or harm the officers. In sum, it would be clear to a reasonable officer that it was excessive to use pepper spray against the nonviolent protestors under these circumstances. we conclude that Philip and Lewis are not entitled to qualified immunity because the use of pepper spray on the protestors' eyes and faces was plainly in excess of the force necessary under the circumstances, and no reasonable officer could have concluded otherwise. http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-9th-circuit/1332957.html
  15. those hikers never thought why would there be a bomb planted in the middle of the woods?
  16. what they do is say, your state must have a law X, or else you dont get any federal highway funding. same thing they do with speed limits and DUI .08 limit.
  17. lindsey graham and everyone else who voted for that should be the first people they lock up.
  18. why should i get penalized for getting drunk and driving home? i understand i need to focus more. in fact, you'd never know that i just polished off a 12 pack... i drive fine when im drunk. IMO you may THINK that you drive fine when you're texting, just like you THINK you're driving fine when you're drunk. you aren't.
  19. "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
  20. duh, its because it only applies to people who have the same viewpoints as me, and who i agree with.
  21. YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITAYYY im not sure exactly what you're trying to say here. are you saying that simple disrespect is grounds for pepper spraying someone?
  22. damnit people can only protest if its something that i agree with!
  23. why dont you put it in the signature block instead of typing it out or copy/pasting it every time?
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