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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. More like http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225208_1667123010251_1602574759_31278308_5157603_n.jpg Then http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/207617_1017585572221_1602574759_30058152_501183_n.jpg http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/6370_1076506805215_1602574759_30186706_1447987_n.jpg Then after Dark (mind you this is the winter crowd) things start poppin'.... out http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/13551_104457976232814_100000058377679_126306_2082631_n.jpg
  2. Thanks for typing all that... Dude if your trimmed down your just digging the water.
  3. The strobes are gay, but the rears are no different then dive lights. Makes me want to get some for our late night river adventures.
  4. 60 bucks a gallon for Tri-Mec, 1 spray a year takes care of every weed in the yard. You'd have to rent a pull behind sprayer though.
  5. Kevin Miller A Tru Wheel 496-3650
  6. You can buy an Apple HDMI interface for the bottom connection.
  7. The enclosed is 16? Can you get some pictures up?
  8. Plus Rep even though I cant give you any one the weed wacker thread!
  9. I've got a craftsman push with assist, for 50. In Baltimore. Stillman used it for a season when he moved into his new house. Probably needs some new gas in it now. But he never had any issues with it.
  10. Ding Ding Ding! And probably still didnt come through.
  11. Okay, perfect. I see if shes interested then and get back to you. My main concern was having legs flying because they cant keep up.
  12. Does the child have to pedal or does it free spin?
  13. Everyone with oil needing disposal, feel free to bring it by my shop and put it in my container out back. Like he is already stated I dont want antifreeze or anything else. If I see separation as your pouring I will tell you to stop and go home.
  14. You dont have a cruise control module that sits on the drv side of the intake do you?
  15. Matt at Ziebart on Wilson Rd, is the only guy who tints my windows. I have tint going 10 years strong in my truck from him. He has done about 10 vehicles for me.
  16. This was my exact statement just 5 minutes ago during shop talk.
  17. I would never do a tranny flush and filter on something with that high of milage. I know I didnt answer you questions, but when I had my tranny rebuilt in my truck (7.5l) it cost 2200
  18. Just got you message at shop, will be calling in a few.
  19. Tigereye Mica 4T2, Good Choice. Ran from 2005 to 2009, expensive color. If you need some help with the car, or decide you want a summer job a little more local let me know, Ill get you hooked up. Welcome to the site.
  20. I need an alarm tech at my shop. Let me know who I need to call.
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