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About Mitch

  • Birthday February 28

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    2 jeeps busy corroding.

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  1. The real pisser is they probably only bring a 5 gallon can and let the rest spill
  2. Uh, well, we had a guy that owned the pacer from Wayne's World for a while. Don't know what happened to him. It was the actual one used in the movie. It's no Delorean though. Best we can do. BTW most of us that were left on CR are only reminiscing about when we had a fun car as we sit in traffic in a sensible, well appointed SUV.
  3. This shits pretty OK, thanks for the work getting this all together, Ben.
  4. TOMORROW! MARCH 5th. Derek will have the food trailer set up in the parking lot of his upcoming restaurant for lunch pickup from 11 am - 2 pm. It's going to be a GORGEOUS day and we are here for it! The order ahead link is live at https://streetfoodfinder.com/smokeoutbbq. Select your pickup time and they will have it ready! 1850 Winderly LN, Pickerington
  5. Seems like they're trying to close and just can't get people to leave
  6. cocks head to side "I'm angry"
  7. It is a sad, sad day. 20 years. Slightly less than half my life. Nearly all my friends since moving to Columbus have come from here. Started out, you kinda had to be a computer geek to be here. You were connecting via road runner, not a cell phone. Bah. Had a bunch I wanted to say. What a long strange trip it's been. Oh well, That's all folks.
  8. I don't know if it's a good idea having two or what, but I started the discord. There's almost 40 people over on slack. I can stay on top of both, but I think it's like the Highlander, there can be only one. http://discord.gg/v2RvXA9GCx
  9. Slack is up and running. http://join.slack.com/t/columbusracing/shared_invite/zt-11nte98g4-Yib8ynL36yDWEKv2jU5gvw
  10. You pretty much summed up what happened to most members of the forum, right there.
  11. Son of a bitch. "CR should be better." Discord server is here http://discord.gg/fVZvBauq
  12. http://www.skimadriver.com/the-mountain/mountain-conditions/mountain-cams.aspx They've got every snowmaker in the place set on max right now.
  13. I'll be the first to CR this up by suggesting a more expensive option that's not really on topic. How about a Grom? Tons of aftermarket, better speed than a moped. Would have title and all that so it's not sketchy.
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