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Everything posted by AJ

  1. AJ

    Lawsuit question

    well after all you are only paying them 33 1/3 of what you get. i got the run around from my lawyer after i was rear ended so its part of there job.
  2. AJ

    Lawsuit question

    i think you only have 2 years to do anything about it from the date of the accident.
  3. vances has is, i think but don't remember if gander mtn has it. if you have a .223 rifle with frangible than its cool, they do have a .223 handgun. this explanes it pretty good http://www.precisioncartridge.com/frangible.html you can also get it here http://www.precisioncartridge.com $245 for 1000 round of .40 so thats $12.50 for 50 rounds so its cheeper than you can get it from vances.
  4. yeah that range, i'm his son. what part of the week would everyone like to do? weekend? weekday? maybe a saturday towards the end of this month or begging of next month? maybe mid February? i'm free anytime untill march 1 then i have a tactical weapons class my dad is teaching and then back to work. so i would like to do it before then.
  5. we used to do them all the time but i think now its only when we get a full class.
  6. its not me its the traps that can't take it.
  7. Read this twice before you post a reply! Who is interested in going to an indoor range? $10 per person + targets or bring your own. 50 foot range. HANDGUNS ONLY. .223 is OK as long as its frangible! maybe in the spring we can put together something outdoors for some long guns. There is some down sides to this range I have access too. *frangable ammo only* as in zero lead, if it doesn't say frangible on the box its not going on the range. 10 people MAX on the fire line. more people are welcome just not shooting at the same time. Upsides to the range. We can have a lot of fun, I can bring the course of fire lesson plans for basic police and privet security along with advanced firearms. we can shoot from cover, time targets, have a top gun shoot out between each other. Plus more kick ass shit. we can use the range almost anytime any day between 8am and 10pm. the range is in Grove City, its a privet range and its mostly used by police departments. If your not interested in doing this don't post here, other wise PM me on leave a message.
  8. get her one of those things to make you breath deep so she doesn't develop pneumonia. its amazing how fast you get it laying in bed and not doing anything.
  9. AJ

    BLACK for Xbox

    i have it on PS2 and its a bad ass game. long missions and they are hard ones.
  10. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    magazine, high capacity magazine. a clip is a machine gun ammo holder or as in the case of the M1 Gerand a clip. if you shoot someone if your sued and you say clip they will have a field day with you. call a lawer and ask them about it.
  11. you need an alignment as well
  12. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    i'm going tomorrow with trent.
  13. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    i have keys to a range in grove city. the 223 needs to be frangable, FMJ will go threw the 3/4 inch steel traps. you might be able to trade it for frangable. since its lead free range everything needs to be frangable now.
  14. cdnow.com also shows the "people who bought this also bought this"
  15. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    my english teacher used to say the same thing
  16. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    what do you want? 9, 40, 45? yes on the AR with frangable ammo. its a lead free range so everything needs to be frangable.
  17. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    1. i am a dick, you seem like a dick too so would would prolly get along great, my best friends are dickheads too. 2. i'm not much on talking to people. as for where i learned to shoot? my dad, kinda sounds red neck right? well he is a trainer of trainers in ohio and 9 or 10 other states in semi-auto pistol, shotgun and sub machine gun/carbin as well as police policy and pursuit driving. if what a gun is made of would cause a consistant accuracy issue then it wouldn't be made of that material. i would be willing to bet that he was using a Gen III glock (has finger grips) and gen I and II didn't. my gun is Gen I and my dad has a gen III, he notices a big difference from my gun fitting his hand better without the grips. if it was my gun i would file them off so they were smooth and it would fit better. care to go the the range and try mine and see if you still think there is a problem? i'll pay the range fee.
  18. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    its all you then, saying a gun is not accurate because of whats it made of is total BS. golf ball at 50' feet half the time? you were prolly not tought the right way to hold a semi-auto pistol or he isn't holding it tight enough or pulled to hard on the trigger. 1/8" of movement at the fire line is 12" at the 50" foot mark. don't blame the gun for something you can't do.
  19. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    someone proly told him "plastic" guns are junk.
  20. thats where i went, Dr. Evens is a pretty good guy. i never had a bad experance with them and they have always been super nice people.
  21. AJ

    Good Gun Shops

    do not get a ported gun it does nothing for you. porting only works on high power rifles by reducing muzzle velocity and only at best it only reduces it by 20% at most. The XD is an OK gun but too many moving parts when compaired to Glock or the new S&W (M&P i think its called, is glocks design but improved upon) Beretta is also a good gun milltary has used for a long time but is being replaced by Glocks. there is a reason more than 40% of all police depts. use glocks as its a bad ass weapon. even NYPD bought over 42,000 of them after testing all the other guns on the market. i'd recomend shooting all the guns first before you buy, your welcome to my Glock 22 if you'd like. if you know a gun dealer you can try to get a remanufactured gun, departments turn in there old guns and get new ones and there gone threw and warn parts are replaced and tested. my gun is stamped Missouri state park rangers on the slide. i paid $450 and it came with 3 high cap. mags a standerd 10 round mag and night sights.
  22. i am capable of it yes, do you have a link for some more info on it?
  23. hammer to fit, paint to match what kind of stuff do you need done other than the cage? is this an in car thing of kinda like building from a kit?
  24. now you know where to get a high money cat thats not too hot and the bolts will come off easy. and you know they won't catch you, just e-mail them a link to porn.
  25. i know the converters on GM trucks are worth $45 each. there is some good money to be made steeling converters.
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