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Everything posted by AJ

  1. AJ

    New to CR LS1

    soooo......a system is considered a mod? sounds ricer to me.
  2. AJ


    whats funny is we've been offered the same for you.
  3. Adam West: My God is it possible?! Have the boys in the lab confirm this. Scientist: Sir, our maths shows that the bird is equal to, or greater than the word. Adam West: Check it again!!
  4. SHUT UP YOU STUPID NUT SWINGING FAGGOT!!!! no i'm just kidding. your my boy blue. i don't think i'll have the camaro running by then to get some pulls in but i'll try.
  5. AJ

    sexiest and ugliest

    is that the best you could come up with? had to stretch with that even.
  6. AJ

    sexiest and ugliest

    just going to throw this out there. my car isn't even done and its more sexy than every car on cr. true story.
  7. hey if your cool with 14-16 mpg that do it. do it. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/46/111642207_209431da42_o.gif
  8. AJ

    Ford Techs!!

    what are you trying to do? if its just a recall have someone at the dealer print out the invoice that shows it was done. then it doesn't matter how long it takes ford to catch up on their end.
  9. AJ

    Ford Techs!!

    just so you know this isn't a 10min deal. it can take up to 30 days for ford to update the claim and show it as so in the computer.
  10. most of the time when this happens its when they find a meth lab. the two times i saw something like what you posted they were going to a meth house. one was in pataskala and the other was when that one blew up at buckeye lake.
  11. you have to take the transmission cross member out to get the exhaust off. just bolts on.
  12. http://www.arkhotrods.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=2 local place that build frames for your car. really nice guys that are real hot rod people.
  13. link? because it wasn't columbus GG. whats with such bad taste in rims lately?
  14. $30 for the stock one thats on my LS1. i'm going with vette stuff instead.
  15. doesn't matter, i make those awesome too.
  16. i know a guy that can help you with that;)
  17. looks like i'll blow your mind with the other "gauges" if i can get them to work in my car. it all depends on when they release something that goes with them;)
  18. its between those and another "gauge" for the camaro. i was keeping them under wraps so nobody would have seen them. dick.....
  19. thats not near as big as republic airways hanger off of 5th. you could put 4 or 5 of those in that hanger. its 300,000 sq. ft.
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