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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Yeah that TSA resource in that part of the line is completely worthless. I've never understood the point. They don't scan your boarding pass or anything. It wouldn't take any effort at all for someone to forge a boarding pass to get through security.
  2. Was also "online" well before that, BBS and all that crap. First computer I remember spending too much time on was when I was 8 or so and on a TI-99 4/a. I took an Apple Basic class my first or second year in Jr High when I lived in California. I didn't get my first real web development offer until '96; that was from Ziff-Davis (ZDNet) with an offer to relocate to the Bay Area.
  3. fusion

    Carry options

    If you're going to Old English you might as well also run down to VRA which isn't far from there. They have a good selection, but prices vary depending on what you are looking for. They also have an array of used back behind the front set of counters, back where the AR's and stuff are. Target World down toward Cincy just off 75/275 has a large selection also and seem to be regularly running sales and specials on stuff. Last two times there they were running sales on sub-compacts and occasionally have manufacturers in that will let you fire a few rounds from what they bring in to get a better feel before buying. We've gone by OE when we're looking to pick something up and they've never had the lowest prices in the area when we've been looking. They usually sit about average. They are actually the one place we make regularly checks around at that we haven't bought from since we've always found what we want cheaper from either VRA, Gander, Peabody's or TW.
  4. The idea is to not concentrate on an area like we do too often, but to find a reasonable holistic approach to security.
  5. That's cool I misunderstood when you brought it up in your response to Justin. I thought you were suggesting we should like Israel does, but can't since our laws don't allow it.
  6. They are secure because they only allow flights from a small number of places and on a limited number of carriers. It's easy to secure an airport when there is limited traffic flow and have mandatory military service to staff it with. The entire country only averages just over 465 flights a day. Also if we were to start profiling, who are you going to profile?
  7. Some people have more tolerance for poor questions than others. There's a winner? Woohoo! USA!USA!USA!
  8. And their answers didn't involve getting rid of ALL security measures did they? I got it, I just rather screw with you then answer a poor question.
  9. ...and I meant what I said, the question worded that way is unreasonable. No one suggested removing ALL security measures.
  10. Why did you say "all airport security"? It's not even a reasonably worded question.
  11. Only if the detonator and fuse were enough a different density to stand out from the rest of the shoe. Wouldn't take much thought or effort to hide them/make them blend in with the rest of the show.
  12. Yeah prices are falling faster than me at my first track day. We've been holding out also.
  13. Shoes made with explosives in them won't be picked up when put on the belt either. That requires a chemical check.... You're not putting up much of a debate.
  14. Richard Reeds shoe bomb wasn't made of metals. Apparently you have a fear of steel toed boots and eyelets in shoes.
  15. Bombs can be worked into any piece of clothing. So clearly there should be a 100% strip search policy when traveling.
  16. fusion

    Android 3.0

    I absolutely agree. Samsung was the one company that should have had more patience before pushing an Android based tablet, it just ended up looking horrible especially since it was so small. The iPad despite its popularity isn't much better though. Apple really should have done more to the iOS interface specifically for tablets. Having used both quite a bit for different uses I can't understand why so many jumped on either device. I'm hoping the Xoom is the first good real start at a tablet type device. Fortunately Apple should be announcing iPad gen2 in March which is close enough to do some real comparisons before deciding which to get.
  17. fusion

    Android 3.0

    Google has always said the other versions weren't meant to be used on tablets. They wanted theirs to be more than just a bigger phone w/o the phone.
  18. fusion

    Android 3.0

    More info on Android 3.0 from the Android Developers site: Android 3
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