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Everything posted by fusion

  1. If the seats were 2-3x bigger I'd say all those Tea Baggers just found upgrades from their Hoverounds.
  2. Because she doesn't know shit about firearms. It was even a point of contention on her show when she couldn't hit shit and apparently didn't know anything about the guns she was handling. She's towing a line to keep herself popular with her base. A spokes person needs to actually be educated about what they are supposed to be a spokes person about. And if you think she's knows shit all about anything in the constitution beyond some talking points she's fed your only fooling yourself. These type of people are no help to those of us who want reasonable discussion and action in support of gun ownership rights.
  3. That's unfair. The media was quick to point out this was one of the districts Sarah Palin had crosshairs on; it wasn't just Justin. Also, it's a fair enough comment to make not knowing what this whackjob's motivation is for doing what he did early in the discussion. People don't realize just how damaging rhetoric can be and it's been used a means to rile up a base (cult, terrorist group, religion, OR ride,...) since the dawn of time. That second part is kind of ridiculous. Palin isn't 2nd Amendment spokesperson, does she support it, of course. Spokesperson is a bit much she just isn't educated enough on any issue to be any kind of spokesperson. She's nothing more than a marketing catch phrase, talking point repeating money machine and she's pretty good at it. Outside of that just supporting Palin because of a single issue is kind of dumb. Every side of issues uses events like this as a means to sway to their view point. While I admire Arizona's gun stance, the shooter apparently had previous run-ins with police and is listed as some kind of criminal, but it doesn't seem there are a lot of details. That will be the major issue raised by groups I think. It's easier to use that as ammunition as opposed to just yelling that guns are bad because of this.
  4. Don't like Vista. They are on the list of people I won't do business with anymore because their service sucks. Vista, Shorty's and Middletown...
  5. Every time I've gone in they've had business, but it's been since summer since I went by. One of my complaints was always the wait at the service counter. If I didn't do the work myself it was the only place in town I'd take my bike to have anything done. Great place but poorly managed. Really could have been much more than it was if they had made better decisions.
  6. So you can explain why you think that then... the muzzle velocity difference (if any) between the two is negligible from everything I've read.
  7. Please tell me you're just trolling.
  8. From their Facebook just now: "Southside Honda Suzuki Yamaha very sad news.... due to some unfourtunate, and uncontrolable situations, the dealership is closed for good, please say a prayer for everyone that will now loose thier jobs, and ask the good lord to help them all find new employment. thanks to everyone for all the years of support and business, and good luck to each and everyone of you have a great 2011 and God bless!" Sucks if it's true
  9. That's awesome, I haven't run across one of those yet.
  10. Yup .22 bolt or semi will work for you. If you want to use it for self defense like you mentioned, duct tape a knife from the kitchen drawer to the end and it'll get the job done with a little practice.
  11. Clicked, bookmarked, and all that.
  12. http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/ohio.pdf
  13. and you're an illiterate dumb fuck. What's your point?
  14. As long as you keep believing that tired crap, politicians and business have you right were they want you. The second part is necessary for the first part. They have right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a militia. Madison's only concern was about keeping the people armed for a militia/military. Has zero to do with personal defense.
  15. No it's not. It's not even considered. The framers (Madison) feared a federal military being more powerful than the people or state militias. They believed the addition of the 2nd would keep military-like power on the side of the people and prevent the types of laws that were passed in Britain. Earlier versions of the 2nd even explicitly mentioned "military service." It was about stocking arms and ammo for defense against the government or foreign invaders, about the government or rich not being able to disarm the populace, not about shooting the local cattle thief. Personal defense was a separate issue and kind of a given of the day with or without the 2nd. Most people of the day owned firearms already if they wanted for various reasons. The framers made note that they should not pass laws that would prevent citizens from protecting themselves or their property.
  16. Exactly but it's as a militia the 2nd refers to has nothing to do with things like being able to CCW or protect your personal property. It's meant as protection against a tyrannical, oppressive or what have you government. Exactly, but they won't. Too many people have too much too loose if they clarify things. It's sad really. While people are arguing over things the 2nd was never meant to address (personal defense,...) the government has already taking away the ability that right was meant to protect.
  17. http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?title=web-redemption---i-like-turtles-kid&videoId=359190
  18. "When these snakes leap, it's not to nosedive; it's to glide from tree to tree, a feat they can accomplish at distances of at least 79 feet (24 m)"
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