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Everything posted by fusion

  1. It sucks. I would give it some credit for being a premiere but it's not an original series starting fresh. Even the first season of Top Gear was good and then just got better. They can't take a show as good as the original is and only doing a mediocre job with it.
  2. Ah got ya. We have the compact with the grip that you want and it's great. I don't have any problems with it even with the shorter mag even though the longer is more comfortable. Great gun.
  3. I'm confused. You got go the 3.8 but really wanted the 3.8?
  4. All you can do in life is try to enjoy every moment you have with those you care about.
  5. Where'd you find this magical right at?
  6. If you want consistent performance you need a business class line. Otherwise your stuck at the same priorities and sharing as everyone else on your point.
  7. I was going to go with 'Your mom', but yeah hot, wet bitches are good too.
  8. Yup that's the one he rides. I'm not sure why I was thinking 42.
  9. There's a place near Xenia off 42 I think to ride trails.
  10. http://gizmodo.com/5675479/the-ultimate-router-battle
  11. fusion


    Nothing weird about that. I think Astrid is hot too.
  12. +1 Everyone in my home has a Windows box including my 9 and 14 year old. Their PC's never have problems, my wife never has problems and I never have problems with mine. I have more issues with my Ubuntu boxes than my Windows boxes. When I did support back in the day we saw at least as many issues with Macs if not more. These days I only handle stuff on our NIPR side and in 8 years we haven't had a single issue with a Windows desktop or server that wasn't hardware related. It's not the Windows box causing the problem it's usually the stupid user. I run Adobe CS5 Production Premium on one of my (Win7 64-bit) workstations with zero performance issues.
  13. fusion


    Love Fringe. Anna Torv is hot, but she's even hotter with that Australian accent when she's not playing Olivia. Walter is just awesome.
  14. I can't think of a single reason to move to a Mac.
  15. They were great for the most part. The wires always seemed fragile/thin to me so I always felt worried I was going to snag them. The noise canceling works well and sometimes almost too well. Highs and mids were great, lows not so much. A friend recommended trying the S4's instead of getting another set of the Ety's so I did. The ear buds fit about the same but I prefer the S4's. The low's are much better if you prefer a bassy sound to your tunes. Cords aren't as thin. Also, for some reason the S4's don't sound like they need to be pushed as hard (turned up) so get the same volume levels as I did with the ER 6i's. I like both really. I wouldn't mind getting the Ety's as a second pair so I could wear which ever fit the style of music I was listening to. My son uses the cheaper S2's after going through a ton of Skullcandy headphones and he'll never go back.
  16. They are about the same depending on your personal preference. I had the Ety's before loosing them and getting the S4's.
  17. I don't use in ear when cycling or the few times I've thrown one in an ear for a long ride since they tend to come out to easy. I usually keep a cheaper pair of over the ear like the Sony MDR-AS20J so they stay in place. If you want a good pair of in ear headphones ditch the Skullcandy crap and pick up Klipsh S4's.
  18. A smaller system maybe. He might have an easier time with cooling since components are spread out a bit, but without air moving across some of the components it will still over heat if used in any decent manner. He might get away with it for a bit, but I wouldn't be surprised if the life and performance is lessened.
  19. What it doesn't show is the fan he has to use to cool it properly making the whole setup look stupid.
  20. Ton of cruisers around that area when it's nice. I think the fire was around mid October.
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