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Everything posted by fusion

  1. We were having this same discussion at work the other day about when we used things like Citrix to deliver apps...over a decade ago. That's a great example.
  2. None of it is innovative. Cloud services have existed for what would be an eternity in the tech world. Software, software delivery, cloud-based development environments, ... none of it's new, not even remotely. Calling Facebook an example of the cloud would be wrong. Does Facebook have things in common with cloud computing, of course, but so does 90% of the internet. Just because it's web-based doesn't make it 'cloud computing'. Google as a ton of cloud based services, Microsoft has Azure, Amazon has EC2 and there are others. The cloud is just the new buzzword for marketers and like most buzzwords, it's usually way behind the technology and an overused and oft misused term.
  3. It's old stuff newly marketed for retards.
  4. It's pretty hot except for the ugly ass mirrors and that retarded looking little windscreen.
  5. fusion

    Glock 17?

    +1 on the Glock 19 or XDM. I think it is because they are .40's. They all seem to have some horrible recoil for some reason. It's difficult to try and not to compensate for it until you get used to it.
  6. fusion

    COD Black Ops

    I'm Xavandxan on the PS3
  7. No use posting that here on the interwebz, jar heads can't read.
  8. fusion

    COD Black Ops

    Got it for the PS3. I almost picked it up for the PC but no one I play any FPS with on the PC is getting it.
  9. I'm not sure how PhotoReflect handles it. It's pretty simple under SmugMug. I'm betting PhotoReflect has a Help on pointing your @ to it as well so it and your www sub both resolve correctly.
  10. No just edit your DNS record to point to whatever photoreflect is using.
  11. Not just the iPad. Surface Ink has been doing design work with Apple for 10 years.
  12. I'm also waiting. There's nothing in the current iPad to make me want it it's definitely not worth the price. Sucks since it has a pretty killer screen. Those are media tablets fwiw. Just 'tablets' are tablet PCs.
  13. Awesome I'm going to walk up and start pushing Tea Baggers off their Hoverounds and stepping on their heads every time I see one of those brainless AW's spouting non-sense.
  14. Now I agree considering the numbers of 700's (5 million) there are out there, the number of reported incidents (thousands), injuries (~100) and deaths (~24) seems low, but... - you have to consider these rifles are handled less often than: cars are driven, lottery tickets are bought, sheep are manhandled by kawikid. and - Remington has already admitted in the past to a problem with the trigger mechanism. It's still on my list as my "starter" long distance rifle.
  15. http://www.drinnonlaw.com/Texas-Defective-Remington700.php
  16. I swear the look on his face while he was talking to the UN was one of, "I can't believe they expect to sell this shit."
  17. +1 Potato buttons is grapefruit car.
  18. This has been done a million times now. GoPro's, DSLR's, phones,... the FAA requires approval and they track it via the GPS.
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