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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Yeah Attackpainter got his panties in wad and decided he wanted to throw a hissy fit as a sponsor while insulting some board regulars.
  2. Nice insult in the opener there. Know how I can tell you don't actually pay attention to what I post in politics? Guess who I'm recommending people not go to? Might as well push to remove anything not directly related to Motorcycles then.
  3. I was going to explain it but I couldn't think of words small enough so you would understand.
  4. I thought it was the overpaid morons on lines that helped push those types of jobs overseas.
  5. It's 50-50 for me, depends on my mood. Half the time I'm more than happy to wave the other half I'd rather give them the finger.
  6. It's long been known the quality of work by Americans in manufacturing plants isn't of the highest quality. If it weren't for the unions we would have better, at a lower cost. The stories I constantly heard from way too many people about workers at the local GM plants was enough for me eliminate GM products for any purchases...forever.
  7. Hopefully all you're doing is listening...
  8. That's funny the estimates using the aerial photos done by a third party are at about 85k. Even looking at that photo you can tell there aren't as many people as it claims. The counts on that photo must have been done by one of those Palin-Americans that shun the elitist education system. Although I'm not sure why a group would be bragging about having so many attend such an idiotic event only organized as one giant infomercial for Beck's new website and to promote his and Palin's other worthless crap (books, shows, speaking,...). Morons.
  9. Damn straight there would people recording, until the authorities cleared the area of course.
  10. It's not on video as often because it doesn't happen as often. Even in other countries where this stuff happens more often only a fraction are actually caught on video. Fewer occurrences = fewer chances for to be caught on tape. Has nothing to do with being PC...
  11. WTF??? That stuff does get aired when there is video of it. It's just that a) that sort of crap doesn't happen as often in the US and b) when it does it susually isn't on video to begin. How the hell do you go from that to people here don't pull out video cameras? and then how they hell do you go from there to questions that have nothing to do with an event being video taped? Those things happen all the time and they are video taped all the time (with exception of suicides obviously).
  12. That's complete bullshit. You can't find the video here because there usually isn't video and it doesn't happen as often. Our media loves anything like that they can get their hands on.
  13. Except the person he was shooting at was retreating before he begin firing. "A third man, who was driving the apparent getaway vehicle, ran toward the struggle with his gun drawn but retreated when Ryan brandished the weapon he had taken. Ryan said he then fired five shots and believes he may have hit that man, too" Amount of stupid in that last sentence of yours is outstanding.
  14. http://gawker.com/5656514/leaked-emails-sarah-palin-doesnt-give-out-endorsements-for-nothing?skyline=true&s=i As funny as that may be it's scary that this sort of hints of her wanting to run for President.
  15. Yeah I know. I might have to go weep in a corner though for being compared to TD by that other jerk face.
  16. Masi If you didn't come across as a moron most of the time I might be offended.
  17. http://www.tulsaworld.com/webextra/content/2010/crimesite/article.aspx?subjectid=450&articleid=20101002_298_0_ATlahm58182
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExzINsaq4LI
  19. Nope not joking. I come across deer every time I ride in the morning. Sometimes multiple if I ride a good distance. Only once have I gotten close enough that I was even remotely worried about it darting across my path or into me.
  20. Well the idea was hijacked and abused before the Tea Party was even created if you ask me. From day one it seems like there were powers trying to manipulate things in the background. Definitely not what Libertarians and Independents were aiming for when they started to organize initially. It's sad really.
  21. Deer run away when they hear me coming on my bicycle... and yes I encounter them a ton when cycling in the mornings.
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