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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Yeah it has the 18.5" barrel on it. We were going to shoot today but ran out of time. We're going to try and go tomorrow to shoot.
  2. +1 Who comes up with this stuff?
  3. I'm not a Democrat. A country that can't take care of their own isn't worth living in. Bush signed Medicare part D into law that cost the U.S almost $1T so far. Don't automatically assume you're the fittest.
  4. No quicker than any other administration. It's the same tired crap each administration goes through. You'd think both parties would try and at least get some new material.
  5. There you go again. Quit with the fantasies...
  6. It's my understanding from my observation of the political discourse found on this site that title you should bestow on those that are to the left of you politically is Libtard. So yeah, Libtard.
  7. Damn work tearing me away from this thread. Even funnier is there should be a NOT in there.
  8. This is true, I'm really not a fan of musicals though.
  9. Just making an observation. It's not the first I time I think I've seen you refer to one or both of us as something like "homos". Keep dreaming Libtard.
  10. Wow you have some strange fantasy about wanting us to be gay. Sorry Max no matter how much you want it, we aren't going to magically catch the gheys and let you have your way with us.
  11. Right and I agree to a point. What I'm still trying to put together is where the guy behind him went that supposedly pistol whipped him. He took the gun from the one he was struggling with and the one retreated immediately, I wonder why he didn't turn at that point to find the 2nd (that pistol whipped him) instead of shooting at the 3rd that was moving away. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong.
  12. +2 Since we moved our office downtown my riding has dropped to a low this summer. The highways especially during busy hours aren't any fun to ride.
  13. I don't think I've ever met the guy. I had been planning on getting some race plastics and sending them to him to paint, but ... I'm not even sure I've ever traded posts with him before. Whatever.
  14. I'm not the one who felt the need to start a thread about it...
  15. I voted to get rid of them. I can't stand to hear AP cry about it...makes me sad.
  16. Why not slow down and avoid both in an effort to constantly improve your position?
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