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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Healthcare was health insurance reform/regulation which has had support from the right in the past, this is a decades old issue. They just wanted it be their way or no way as usual. The moron Boehner and others started to even take some credit after it passed. Ever wonder why you suddenly didn't hear a lot about it not too long after it passed? They made a significant bailout after the no strings one the Bush administration made. They had to make sure it wasn't abused given what they had found in the company's financial records and made the decision to make sure they had a method to make sure the bailout money wasn't wasted. There was an article the other day interviewing the current GM CEO talking about how the government was in the process of starting to sell off it's shares over time. "Global warming" (I really hate the media/politicians for that term) hasn't been proven a lie. None of which are remotely close to socialism. The closest you can come is the GM bailout which would be similar to Nationalizing a company, but not socializing.
  2. Nope. Cheech already said it but it's the right's hard push even farther right that makes it seem like that. Nothing like Republicans using the term RINO because they aren't far right enough. Sorry but I don't want a bunch of nut cases trying to institute a Theocracy or yelling small government while trying to legislate their odd version of morality and a lot of Republicans don't want it either. That doesn't make them RINO's that makes them more level headed Republicans.
  3. Sorry you've lost me. Know about what?
  4. Moderates aren't in some new center. Moderates are where they've always been. The left for a while now has been closer to center than the right has. The Tea Party is the perfect example of the right pushing even farther right. There are a couple of good graphs showing where everyone sits, but I can never remember the magical Google keywords that makes them easier to find without wading through tons of unrelated graphs. I'll see if I can find them as the day goes by.
  5. Who has had the chance to challenge her on issues? Many have already made the statements regarding her not having specifics and the interviews she had last weekend she canceled. You know damn well if she is following in Palin's foot steps she isn't going to welcome anything but softball interviews. You do realize the large majority of the country is moderate and a large number of Democrats fall closer to moderate than current Republicans right?
  6. Scott Brown is a moderate that his opponent should have taken more seriously. His win had zero to do with the Tea Party. I would have voted Scott Brown were I in Mass and have family that do live there and did. Yes Clinton also said, "I do think she's a resilient character. And we may be entering a sort of period in politics that's sort of fact free, where the experience in government is a negative." The Tea Party doesn't care about knowledge or real experience all they care about is different. They like to yell talking points and be angry without actually having any idea what they are being angry about. They are so bent on ousting a lot of current holders of office they aren't even considering that they are supporting people like McConnell who have no clue what they are doing and are more than likely worse than the people they are ousting.
  7. The Tea Party is still a minority party and there is no evidence more and more "independents" are running that way. Don't confuse media attention for support, somethings make for better television/ratings than others... The RNC is worried because these "independents" really aren't. They are mostly Republicans/Conservatives breaking off. That causes division and takes votes away from candidates that probably have a better chance at getting elected and also a better chance of staying in office once elected.
  8. She has no views. She has talking points and no specifics. You also have to consider that her support group is vocal but still a minority. She is the primary reason McCain got destroyed that last election. He could have easily picked someone that made that a much closer race even if he still lost.
  9. http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/photos/10-really-cute-girl-celebs-are-still-virgins
  10. She IS an idiot. Anyone who listens to her and thinks she would make a good leader of any kind probably isn't very bright.
  11. I also take this approach and try to make sure my family at least have some sense of being able to defend themselves both armed and unarmed.
  12. Exactly and I don't think Colorado is unique in this from other stories I've heard. Not a technicality it's how their law is written. In some cases restraining order violations aren't always meant to be protection orders that automatically result in arrest, just a matter of a process that could end up in a warrant or summons or something.
  13. No they reinstated the original courts dismissal. Basically the decision was 7-2, because Colorado law doesn't make arrests mandatory for restraining order violations and treats them more like steps in a process rather than enforceable by police action. This case never had anything to do with people's claims that the police have no duty to protect you. It had everything to do with Colorado's crappy restraining order laws. Moar fear, blah, blah, blah...
  14. Found these cool maps through Gizmodo today and saw there was one for Columbus. http://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/4982028510/in/set-72157624812674967/
  15. You might actually want to read the decision written by the Justices and how restraining orders in Colorado are (were?) treated.
  16. I don't think OSU should bring any more attention then they need to for having such a retarded mascot.
  17. There's no Federal or Constitutional right to self defense which is why things like Castle Laws and CCW fall to the States. That finding doesn't mean police have no duty to protect you. You might want to go back to read it.
  18. It's not about being PC, it's about not sounding like a dick or a bigot and making people feel welcome to the site no matter their personal belief.
  19. I'm not sure saying it like that sounds much better.
  20. Have you watched The Discovery Channel lately? I'm not sure I could blame the guy.
  21. At a Shopette? Doubt it. Shopettes are little convenience stores. If someone had walked into something larger like an Exchange or Commissary then I could see it.
  22. Nah I'm too busy to point out his hero tripled the national debt and increased poverty levels. We won't get into the Iran-Contra BS he should have been impeached and jailed for. oops...
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