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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Actually 10 years is significant. The baby boomers are dying or approaching non-riding ages. Not only are there way more boomers than the next generation, our generation is more open and more informed about other brands. HD is taking a relatively fast ride downhill. Not only will there not be enough riders in general to market chrome and bandannas too, even fewer are even interested.
  2. The point, you missed it. Enjoy your kool-aid.
  3. I wasn't aware Reagan or Bush II signed the bike...
  4. fusion

    Htc evo 4g

    I use Swype on on my Droid X (comes with it) don't think I could go back to regular texting without pain.
  5. fusion

    Htc evo 4g

    The bonus is that if you stick with the iPhone you don't have to pretend to not have the gheys you can just be who you are. NTTAWWT
  6. I think he was confused and thought he was on a horse. He was kicking it to go faster, we are talking about Texas here.
  7. + 1 on .net, much easier without the '-' when telling people where to go. (No not there, there either, )
  8. I agree which is why everyone in my house knows how to shoot. I was just responding to the thread title and OP.
  9. I would say correlation != causation, but I don't even think there's any correlation to be had to begin with.
  10. I gave you reTodd rep, but I'm pretty sure that makes you reTodded.
  11. fusion

    Cote de Pablo?

    UFC ring girl for 4 years, Maxim, FHM, Sports Illustrated and Playboy in November... Arianny is less mainstream?
  12. He should have been cited and arrested for such a douche bag haircut.
  13. fusion

    Cote de Pablo?

    Love her. She's great on NCIS.
  14. Makes me wish I had an extra $7k right now.
  15. I can honestly say I have NEVER seen anyone get upset with someone saying "Merry Christmas" and I've seen it said to Atheists, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists... ...and Christmas is a Pagan holiday hijacked by Peter as a recruiting tool.
  16. , because he just found out his real name is Horus (Mithra,...).
  17. Oh please. You can't even say Happy Holidays any more without some retarded Christian screaming they are being oppressed. The only thing keeping Christians from acting like huge assholes in our country is the Constitution and our laws.
  18. Oh I know. That comment I think was tainted with thoughts of things like Sharon Angle's suggestion of "2nd Amendment remedies" if they don't win in the polls. In general just the direction those types seem to want to take the country in.
  19. fusion

    Ohio GOP

    This guy pretty much sums up what the GOP is like anymore. http://gawker.com/5634055/the-craziest-political-speech-youll-see-this-fall
  20. Just saw a report that says Donald Trump offered to pay for it. If it moves America and the Constitution is dead. The Terrorists have basically won.
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